摘要:机插水卷苗育秧技术作为新型水稻机械化育秧技术,具有质轻、省肥、高效省工,所育秧苗秧龄弹性大,根系盘结力高等优点,但小苗移栽和机械栽插植伤较重,影响水稻生根立苗,减缓水卷苗栽后返青,进而影响水稻的生产。褪黑素是广泛存在高等植物中的抗氧化效应分子,对多种非生物胁迫存在响应。本文以机插水卷苗为研究对象,基于全自动光照培养箱,在水稻幼苗时期进行人工剪根处理模拟机插水卷苗的植伤,实施不同褪黑素浓度处理下机插水卷苗水培实验。试验结果表明,中浓度褪黑素处理,可以降低水卷苗的株高,提高秧苗发根力,增强根系活力和提高叶绿素的含量;增强CAT、SOD、POD 和GR、APX 等酶和非酶抗氧化系统活力,加快清除活性氧,降低MDA 含量,从而加速水卷苗栽后的植伤修复,加快秧苗缓苗返青。 27446 毕业论文关键词:褪黑素;水卷苗;植伤修复;抗氧化系统
The repair effect and mechanism of melatonin on Long-Mat seedlings
Abstract:Long-Mat seedlings machine transplanting seedling as a new transplanting seedling technology, which has the advantages of light in weight, saving cost, high efficiency, seedling age elastic and root set high. However, because of the transplanting seedling and transplanting machine produced larger plant injury, causing long period of seedling establisment,be bad to taking root and finally affect rice prodution. Melatonin is widely existent Anti-Oxidants in higher plants. In this paper, the transplanting seedlings as the research object, based on full automatic light incubator. Transplanting seeedlings is replaced by artificial root cutting treatment, to study on different concentration of melatonin treatment under tranplanting seedlings. It shows that the medium concentration of melaonin can reduce the plant height, promote the root activity and vigor, increase the contents of chlorophy l. In addition, It can enhance the activity of both enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant system such as CAT、SOD、POD、GR and APX, in order to speed up eliminating active oxygen and MAD, which repairs the injury of the Long-Mat seedlings and turn green quickly after transplanted. Key words: Melatonin;Long-Mat seedlings;Planting Injury Repair;Antioxidant System
摘要 1
关键词 · 1
Abstract · 1
Key words 1
1 材料与方法 2
1.1 实验材料与试验地点 2
1.2 试验设计 · 2
1.3 项目测定和方法 2
1.3. 1 形态指标的测定 · 2
1.3. 2 叶绿素含量的测定 3
1.3. 3 可溶性蛋白的测定 3
1.3. 4 丙二醛(MDA)含量的测定 4
1.3. 5 抗氧化酶活力的测定 · 4
1.3 数据分析 · 5
2 结果与分析 5
2.1 褪黑素对机插水卷苗形态指标的影响 5
2.1.1 褪黑素对机插水卷苗株高的影响 5
2.1.2 褪黑素对机插水卷苗茎粗的影响 5
2.1.3 褪黑素对机插水卷苗根数的影响 6
2.1.4 褪黑素对机插水卷苗根系活力的影响 6
2.1.5 褪黑素对机插水卷苗叶绿素含量的影响 · 7