摘 要:上世纪九十年代以来,建构主义思潮盛行,并逐步得到大众的认可和发展。建构主义有别于传统的教学,强调了在教学中首先要正视学习者的主体地位,但又不否定教师的指导作用,并强调教学过程应当是一个自主学习、协作交流的过程,最终以“同化”或“顺应”的方式对自身原有的知识经验结构加以改变、重塑,以完成对新知识的意义建构。生物学是一门多彩的学科,有着自身独有的学科特点。本文旨在通过新旧教学的对比分析,对建构主义的四大要素:情境、协作、会话、意义建构以及影响知识建构的因素加以分析研究,为教师为学生在教与学中获得启示,继而能为现代生物学教学提供理论指导。34212 毕业论文关键词: 建构主义;中学生;生物学;影响因素;教学模式
Applied Research in Biology Teaching in The "Constructivist Learning Theory"
Abstract:Since the nineties of the last century, constructivism thoughts prevailed, and gradually get the recognition and development of the public. Constructivism is different from the traditional teaching, emphasizing the first in teaching learners to face the dominant position, but do not deny the teacher's guidance, and emphasized the teaching process should be an autonomous learning, cooperation and exchanges in the process, and ultimately to "assimilation "or" conform "way to change on their own knowledge and experience of the original structure, remodeling, to complete the construction of new knowledge and meaning. Biology is a colorful discipline, discipline has its own unique characteristics. This paper aims to compare the old and new teaching analysis, the four elements of Constructivism: be analyzed situation, cooperation, conversation, and the factors that affect the construction of meaning to construct knowledge for teachers for students to get inspiration in teaching and learning, and then be able to provide theoretical guidance for the teaching of modern biology.
Key words: Constructivism; Biology;;Influencing factors; Teaching mode of Students
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