摘要:芦苇( Phragmites australis)为全球广布多年生水生或湿生的高大禾草。 芦苇的植株高大, 地下有发达的匍匐根状茎, 以根茎繁殖为主,同时也能以种子繁殖。种子随风传播, 对水分的适应幅度很宽, 从土壤湿润到长年积水, 从水深几厘米至1米以上, 都能形成芦苇群落。能达到短期成型、快速成景等优点。生命力强,易管理,适应坏境广,生长速度快,是景点旅游、水面绿化、河道管理、净化水质、沼泽湿地、置景工程、护土固堤、改良土壤之首选,为固堤造陆先锋环保植物。我国芦苇资源丰富,分布广泛且集中。由于芦苇的经济价值和生态学价值已经引起了我国科技工作者的重视,自20世纪60年代以来,我国生态学工作者对资源分布、生态型、种群生态学等开展了研究。本实验通过室内模拟芦苇种子生长的环境条件,将其置于人工可控的气候箱内,研究不同盐浓度、光强、温度对芦苇种子萌发的影响。分别通过把盐浓度、光强、温度作为变量,控制其他环境因素得出该变量对芦苇种子萌发的影响。经测定,发现控制其他环境因素适宜且一致时,在一定温度范围内,种子萌发率随温度升高而升高,种子生长情况也相应变好,当温度到达30℃时,芦苇种子萌发率最大且生长情况最好,超过30℃时反而萌发率下降。而在其余外界条件一致时,芦苇种子在全无光照的情况下萌发率和生长情况反而比12h光照12h无光照更好。可见光照也是影响芦苇种子萌发的因素之一。在做6个不同盐浓度影响种子萌发情况实验时,发现当盐浓度为0.2%时,种子萌发情况最好,盐浓度为0.4%--0.6%时,芦苇种子有一定的耐盐性,盐浓度再高时则会抑制芦苇种子发芽,且浓度越高,抑制发芽情况越明显。42857


Different salt concentration, light intensity and temperature on the influence of seed germination of reeds

Abstract:Reed (Phragmites australis) as the world s perennial aquatic or wet raw tall grasses. Reed larger plants, underground have developed creeping rhizomes, with rhizome propagation is given priority to, at the same time to seed. Seed propagation with the wind, the water adaptation range is very wide, from moist soil to water, from the depth of the water a few cm to 1 m or more, can form a community of reeds. Can achieve short-term forming, rapid scene, etc. Vitality is strong, easy management, to adapt to bad border is wide, fast growth, is a scenic spots, the water green, channel management, purify water, marsh wetland, landscape engineering, choice of solid barrier, soil improvement, soil for solid dam epeirogenic pioneer environmental plants. Reed resources are rich in our country, widely distributed and concentrated. Reeds due to the economic value and ecological value has caused the attention of the scientific and technical workers in our country, since the 1960 s, China's ecology workers on the resources distribution, ecological, population ecology, etc. To carry out the research. This experiment by simulating reed seed growth environment conditions, puts the controllable artificial climate box, study different salt concentration, light intensity and temperature on the influence of seed germination of reeds. Respectively by the salt concentration, light intensity, temperature as variables, the other environmental factors to draw the control variables on the influence of seed germination of reeds. Control other environmental factors was found on measurement, appropriate and consistent, in a certain temperature range, higher seed germination rate varies with temperature, the seed growth is also good, accordingly when the temperature reached 30 ℃, reed seed germination rate and growth conditions, the best biggest exceeds 30 ℃ germination rate down. In when the rest of the outside conditions consistent, reed seeds in the case of no light germination rate and growth are better than 12 h lighting 12 h without light. Visible light is also one of the factors that affect a reed seed germination. In six different salt concentrations affect seed germination experiment, found that when the salt concentration is 0.2%, seed germination is best, when the salt concentration was 0.4% - 0.6%, reed seed has certain resistance to salt, salt concentration decreased the reeds and high seed germination, and the higher the concentration of, inhibiting germination situation, the more obvious.

















