关键词:分销网络 大宗消费品 系统设计
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title the study of distribution network management for the mass consumer
Abstract Distribution management is necessary problems to be solved if the firms want to have a scale development, for example, reduce distribution costs, establish sales system that can be flexibly customized and manage branch offices and distributors effectively. By the systematic statements for the research of the distribution network management now in this article, and analyze all aspects of the distribution network management with an example, thus discovery the various problems that exist in the current distribution management and in-depth analysis, designed a system of distribution network management for consumer staples. Via this system management and control the logistics and capital of the company, shortening the supply chain and achieve the goal of saving the cost and providing comprehensive management information for the company.
Keywords distribution network, consumer staples, system design
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2分销网络管理的相关研究现状 3
1.3研究方法及结构安排 5
1.3.1研究方法 5
1.3.2结构安排 5
2.分销网络管理的理论基础 7
2.1 分销网络的相关概念 7
2.2 传统分销渠道结构理论 7
2.3 现代分销渠道结构理论 8
3.分销网络系统的构建 10
3.1分销网络管理系统的需求和发展趋势 10
3.1.1分销网络管理的需求 10
3.1.2分销网络管理的发展趋势 11
3.2构建分销网络管理系统的架构 12
3.2.1系统目标 12
3.2.2系统功能设计 12
4.实例分析 16
4.1内蒙古伊利股份有限公司分销网络管理概况 16
4.2伊利分销信息化动因分析 16
4.3伊利分销系统解决方案 18
4.4伊利分销管理系统效果评析 19
5.分销网络管理中存在的问题及对策分析 21
5.1分销网络管理中存在的问题 21
5.2 完善分销网络运营的对策与建议 22
6.结论 24
致 谢 25
主要参考文献 26