摘要:对金桔、柠檬水果榨汁后会产生后苦味、后麻感等不良口感进行研究,寻找出有效的脱苦方法。在单项脱苦实验中发现,金桔在85℃下热烫90s脱苦效果最好;柠檬汁加入8.3%HP-20大孔树脂常温下作用8h脱苦效果最好,但对柠檬汁的综合感官品质有一定影响。在复合脱苦实验中,金桔在85℃热水中热烫90s后打浆过滤取汁,在45℃水浴条件下加入0.5%β-环糊精作用90min脱苦效果最好。柠檬汁加入8.3%HP-20大孔树脂常温下作用4h,水浴加热至45℃后加入0.5%β-环糊精搅拌作用90min后脱苦效果明显。金桔柠檬饮料的制作中,金桔柠檬浓缩果浆的最终配方为:金桔果汁25%,柠檬果汁25%,果葡糖浆47%,AK糖0.08%,三氯蔗糖0.02%,柠檬酸1.0%。应用方法为:40g金桔柠檬浓缩果浆,加220g纯净水、100g冰块后搅拌均匀。为了提高饮料的稳定性和口感,可添加0.05%的羧甲基纤维素钠作为饮料的增稠剂和稳定剂。 70029

毕业论文关键词: 金桔;柠檬;脱苦;饮料;制作 

Study on the making and debittering of kumquat and lemon drink

Abstract: This study mainly finds out effective debittering methods to reduce the bad taste such as lingering bitterness and numbness in the citrus fruits juice. At the same time, a new kind of drink was developed by combining kumquat with lemon. The blanching treatment of kumquat at the temperature of 85℃ for 90s can significantly reduce its bitterness. Adsorption of lemon juice with 8.3% HP-20 macroporous resin at room temperature for 8h can achieve a good debittering result too. In addition, combined debittering methods were used to reduce the taste of bitterness and numbness of the citrus juice. The debittering effect of kumquat was significant by the blanching treatment in 85℃ hot water for 90s, combined with adding 0.5% of β-cyclodextrin to kumquat juice at 45℃ for 90min. Adsorption of lemon juice with 8.3% HP-20 macroporous resin at room temperature for 4h, then adding 0.5% of β-cyclodextrin to lemon juice at 45℃ for 90min, the effect of removing bitterness is obvious. The final formula of condensed kumquat and lemon juice beverage is: 25% orange juice, 25% lemon juice, 47% high fructose corn syrup, 0.08% AK, 0.02% sucralose, 1.0% citric acid. In order to ensure the stability of the juice, we add 0.05% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose.

Key Words:kumquat;lemon;debittering;drink;make

目  录

1 引言 1

1.1 金桔及金桔饮料 1

1.2 柠檬及柠檬饮料 3

1.3 柑橘类水果的脱苦 4

1.3.1 吸附法脱苦 4

1.3.2 屏蔽法脱苦 5

1.3.3 热烫脱苦 6

1.3.4 石灰水浸泡脱苦 7

1.4 本课题的立题背景、研究内容及意义 7

2 材料与方法 8

2.1 实验材料 8

2.2 仪器与设备 8

2.3 实验方法 8

2.3.1 热烫脱苦 9

2.3.2 石灰水浸泡脱苦 9

2.3.3 β-环糊精包埋脱苦 9

2.3.4 HP-20大孔树脂静态吸附脱苦 10

2.3.5 金桔复合脱苦 10

2.3.6 柠檬复合脱苦 10

2.3.7 果汁感官评分标准











