摘 要 互联网的发展与普及,新媒体的革新与影响,大众化的时代不断推进,网络文学也在新时代不断发展。近些年来,“洪荒流”小说在网络文学中的地位不断受到关注。本文主要通过深入“洪荒流”小说的“洪荒神话”体系,进行“洪荒神话”的定义,总结归纳“洪荒神话”的特点。其次,笔者深入“洪荒神话”的体系,剖析“洪荒神话”的组成,分析其设定与构成的要素。再次,笔者通过“洪荒神话”其存在的意义,分析其人物构造的多方面以及在审美导向与世界价值观导向上存在的情况。最后再通过研究“洪荒神话”的意义与影响,肯定其研究的价值,并且联系网络文学与当下生活的关系,从现实的影响与反馈中,阐述“洪荒神话”在“洪荒流”小说中的地位,以及在网络文学中起到的作用,希望通过这些研究,使得“洪荒神话”的影响得到正确的认识,并且更好地推进网络文学的发展,使网络文学更具有魅力与影响力。90229
With the development and popularization of the Internet, the innovation and influence of the new media, and the popularization of the times, the network literature has been developing in the new era。 In recent years, "the Honghuang schools" position of novels in the network literature has been increasing attention。 In this paper, through in-depth "Honghuang schools" novel "the Honghuang myth" system, "the definition of Honghuang myth", summarized the characteristics of "the Honghuang myth"。 Secondly, the author of "the Honghuang myth" system analysis "the Honghuang myth", analyzes the setting and the elements and core。 Again, the significance of "the Honghuang myth" of the existence of the situation analysis of its structure and character in the aesthetic orientation and value orientation in the world。 Finally, through the significance and effect of "the myth", affirming its value of research, and the relationship between network literature and contemporary life, from the reality of the impact and feedback, expounds the "status of prehistoric myth" in "the Honghuang schools" in the novel, and play a role in the network literature, hope that through these studies, the influence of "the Honghuang myth" to get the correct understanding, and better promote the development of the network literature, the network literature has the charm and influence。
毕业论文关键词:网络文学; 洪荒神话; 梦入神机; 佛本是道源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
Key words:Network literature; honghuang myth; Meng Ru Shen Ji; Buddhism and Taoism are the same
目 录
摘要 2
引言 4
(一)“洪荒神话”的定义与特点 4-9
1、“洪荒神话”的定义 4-5
2、“洪荒神话”的特点 5-9
(二)“洪荒神话”的构成 9-16
1、“洪荒神话”中的宗教成分 9-11
2、“洪荒神话”中的文学成分 11-13
(三)“洪荒神话”的存在价值与影响以及局限不足 16-22
1、“洪荒神话”其成功的原因以及存在价值 16-19
2、“洪荒神话”所带来的影响 19-21
2、“洪荒神话”中局限与不足 21-22
结语 23
参考文献 24