摘 要:在2012年微博作为一个自由、快捷的交流平台,用其独特的传播力量吸引着人们对“保钓爱国事件”的关注和讨论,对事件的后续发展产生不可小视的影响。本论文首先对“保钓爱国事件”进行阐述,结合其在微博上的表现,梳理过程,加以总结归纳,将“保钓爱国事件”分为不同的时期,接着分析“保钓爱国事件”中微博传播的优势,如裂变式传播、意见领袖、议程设置等,进而着重分析微博在事件传播中的劣势,如信息污染、信息碎片化、负面情绪的表达、微博看客缺少思考意识等,最后针对上述传播特性提出合理化建议,如同手机运行商合作、政府微博发挥作用、提高公众媒介素养等5298
Analysis the Current Development of Micro-Blog from “Diaoyu Islands Event”
Abstract:Micro-blog as a free and fast exchange platform in 2012, which used its unique spreading power to attract people’s attention on the discussion and incident of “Diaoyu Islands Event”. Micro-blog made significant impacts on the development of the event. Firstly, the thesis introduces the “Diaoyu Islands Event” and pides the “Diaoyu Islands Event” into different processes combined with its presentation on micro-blog; then analysis advantages of micro-blog in “Diaoyu Island Event”, such as: Fission Spreading, Leading Opinion, Agenda Setting, etc; and makes a further analysis on disadvantages of micro-blog in the event, such as: information pollution, information fragmentation, expression of negative emotion, lacking thinking consciousness and so on. Finally, the thesis puts forward reasonable suggestions, such as: to make cooperations between mobile phone operators, to make government micro-blog into play, to improve public media literacy, etc.
Key Words:Micro-blog; defend the Diaoyu Islands Events;current development
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