Hemingway has always been known as the literary hero and his writing style is famous for conciseness。 He is the paragon of American people。 The works of Hemingway marks the formation of his unique writing style and they had a profound impact on the development of American literature and literature in twentieth century。
The Sun Also Rises was published in 1926。 This novel mainly focuses on a wide variety of problems of psychology on a group of British and American young men and women from 1924 to 1925 in Paris after the war。 Due to these problems, they were confused and at a loss。 The author demonstrates such a loss and the novel seems to be like the author’s autobiography, which is also a major feature of Hemingway’s novels。论文网
The protagonist of the novel was Jake。 He was wounded in the First World War which made him lose sexuality。 Jake met Brett in the hospital and they fell in love with each other very soon。 But for Jake’s impotence, it was impossible for them to consummate their love。 Brett began to be absorbed in drinking alcohol and having sex with various men。 Jake suffered great pain both in the body and the mind。 Invisible pain remained in the young people like Jake, leading them to feel confused about the life。
After The Sun Also Rises was published, it has received wide attention。 In 1950s and 1960s, scholars began to study the characters and contents of this novel。 In 1970s, the study of The Sun Also Rises became more comprehensive and the main argument was positioned in the moral value。 The study of this novel was mainly pided into three aspects: Hemingway’s manuscript research, narrative study and the research about gender and racial identity。 In 1990s, the study of The Sun Also Rises was no longer confined to the work of itself, but put more age and social elements in the novel。 This thesis will analyze this novel from the perspective of nihilism。
   This thesis consists of five parts。 The first part gives a brief introduction to Ernest Hemingway and The Sun Also Rises。 The second part is to concentrate on the theory of nihilism, including two parts: the definition of nihilism and the development of nihilism。 The third part centers on the characters’ confusions and depressions in this novel, which shows nihilism clearly through characters’ behaviors。 The fourth part analyzes the causes of nihilism in The Sun Also Rises。 The final part draws the conclusion。来.自^优+尔-论,文:网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

II。 The Introduction to Nihilism
2。1 The Definition of Nihilism
The word comes from the Latin word “nihil”, which means “nothing”。 Famous philosophers Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger had written books to discuss Nihilism。 Nietzsche regarded Christianity as the religion of nothingness, because it did not pay close attention to real life but cared about hypothetical afterlife。 He believed that nihilism was the result from people’s realization of that “God is dead”, emphasizing that people should overcome it by giving life new meanings。 According to Heidegger, nihilism was called “that there is nothing left”, and he thought that nihilism was based on the fact that existence finally reduced to pure value (Fox, 2003)。
















