2。2 Development and Influence of Inpidualism

The origin of inpidualism can be ascended to classical philosophy, Greek city-state politics, trade economy, cultures and institutions。 Russell believed that inpidualism stemmed from the Antisthenes and the Stoics。 For Antisthenes, their theory about free will aimed at liberating people from the bondage of fate。 And the Stoics created of natural rights, natural laws and the theory of natural equality。 Ancient Greek myths and epics also bred the original inpidualism。 There were a lot of heroes and gods portrayed in ancient Greek mythology who pursued more inpidual physical and mental interest instead of the benefits society。 These myths showed us all the living characters with distinct personalities and elements of the most primitive inpidualism。

The direct source of inpidualism is the Renaissance and Reformation。 The challenge the human rights made to theocracy was the focus of Renaissance humanism, which confirmed Protagoras’s principle: “man is the measure of all things” (Poster C, 2005)。 People in the Renaissance were those who were liberated from the dark times’ irons and then got an all-round development。 The Renaissance secularized the society so that ordinary people’s own personality could be highlighted。 As for Reformation, it affirmed personal conscience and judgment。 It laid a theological foundation for the emancipation of inpiduals from Rome’s Church, and further developed the inpidualism。 What’s more, the later Protestant movement and Enlightenment were also the support source of inpidualism。论文网

The different revolutions in western history also reflected people’s growing desire and emphasis on human rights。 For example, Glorious Revolution in England was the first time to give a heavy blow to the absolute monarchy, succeeding in limiting the power of the king。 Based on the principles of human rights, the American Revolution established the first Republic in modern times, and it replaced the name of the king with the name of the people。 And the French Revolution was also a violent uprising against the monarchy and aristocracy。 In the past, human society has always been a situation where minority dominated majority, inpidual governed the fate of most people。 In the Industrial Revolution, inpidualism has become the mainstream of British society。 At that time, the United Kingdom became the leading power in the world and inpidualism seemed to rationalize its overseas trade and colonial expansion。 After a series of revolutions, inpidualism was getting more and more mature。

The emergence and the development of inpidualism empowered people of different classes to have equal rights。 And it also affirmed the value of inpiduals as well as human nature。 It emphasized the personal freedom as well as development, and also helped the capitalism develop fast。

This thesis is going to analyze Robinson Crusoe from the perspective of inpidualism。 Since the influence of Robinson Crusoe in Europe is far-reaching, it has caused strong repercussions in the community。 There are many a researcher who has already analyzed this book from this perspective, so in the next chapter, I will introduce and conclude their views。 

3。 Literature Review

Countless people like Robinson Crusoe, including readers and critics, not only because of its attainments on literary language, but also its new definition for value and form of the life。 A large number of researchers have gathered in the direction of analyzing this book。 There has been a lot of studies at home or abroad on the inpidualism in Robinson Crusoe。

For example, Wang Wenhua (2004) concluded that Robinson desired a life in freedom; self-determination and self-realization were the standard of his judgment for value。 He had a strong desire to become rich and had the persistent enterprising spirit。 The embodiment of Robinson's subjectivity was centered on himself, which was the essence of inpidualism。 And on inpidualism in Robinson Crusoe, Liu Jiayun (2014:69) believed that the inpidualism in Robinson Crusoe was a kind of spirit of struggle and the spirit of conquering nature。 Robinson spent 28 years changing his own deserted island from the backward primitive social formation to the era of slave society。 Even though, for a long period of time, there were only some wild beasts and wild men existing on the island except for him, this struggle spirit of “from owning none to owning all” was the embodiment of the inpidualism advocated by the bourgeoisie。 

















