Also, water is a very important image in literary study。 Franz P。 Haberl (1968) focuses on the water imagery in Doderer’s novel, ranging from conventional similes to highly original metaphor。 Nina Baym (1966) looks into the image of water in the works of Emerson and Thoreau, especially the symbolic and imagistic structures。 George C。 Schoolfield (1953) pay attention to the water images—the bath, the pool, and the pe, in Hofmannsthal。 And Cline (1962) also mentions water metaphor, discussing the interrelation between “clear” property of water and the “pure” heart。 

Chinese researchers have made many studies about metaphors like beauty metaphor, love metaphor, time metaphor and so on。 Many studies on water metaphor are made from the aspects of philosophy, image, cross-culture, and so on。 (1) The image of water (Jiang, 2010) these studies may be one of the most abundant areas of water study, usually discussing the image in literal works, but not metaphor。 (2) The philosophy of water (Huang, He, 2003) many tend to deal with the traditional Chinese cosmic philosophy and ancient Chinese recognition to the outside world。 (3) The cross-culture study of water (Zhong, 2011) it deals with the similarities and differences between cultures, and metaphor is only used as examples。

There are also some related studies the cognition of water metaphor。 Jia and Lan (2010) analyze and classify the conceptual metaphor of WATER and SHUI and pay attention to the extended senses of words based upon Principled Polysemy Model, comparing the universalities and pergences of the extended meanings in Chinese and English。 Wang (2008) discusses the universalities of metaphor from the cognition of water image in Chinese and English, but it lacks of the discussion on otherness。 She actually uses “water” as an example to study the ubiquities of metaphor。 Researchers like Xu and Zhou (2006) mainly discuss the metaphors from cross-culture aspect。 They look into it from the geography factors, the interpersonal relation and the concept of time。 Other researchers, like Xu (2010), study SHUI in cognitive approach to the metaphor, but does not make clear comparative analysis in Chinese and English。 Generally speaking, they all discuss water metaphor from cognitive perspective, but differ in their focuses and research techniques。

3。3 A Review of Research on FIRE and HUO

Similar to the study of WATER and SHUI, the investigations on “FIRE” and “HUO” vary in their focus。 

Fire has special meaning in western culture, partially because of the influence of Greek mythology。 Manfred Beller (1984) talks about fire in Prometheus, and also many poets and writers take fire and Prometheus as the theme or spirit of their works。 Taking “fire” and “ice” as metaphor, Catherine Emihovich (2005) discusses the activist ethnography in the culture of power。 Robert L。 Ivie (1999) looks into fire, flood and red fever, meaning the motivating metaphors of global emergency in Truman doctrine speech。

Lakoff (1987) discusses the “fire” metaphor in Women, Fire and Dangerous Things。 He briefly to explain the fire metaphor in his conceptual metaphor theory。 Kövecses (2002) analyzes fire metaphor with non-linguistic realization, but from aspects like movies and symbol。 Goudsblom (1995) tries to explain how people treat fire and time as well as the realization of fire and civilization in his book Fire and Civilization。 

In domestic studies, the fire study can also be clarified into the following parts:  (1) the philosophy of fire (Zhang, 2010) these studies are related with many other areas like medicine area, especially traditional Chinese medical science (explain together with Yin and Yang)。 (2) The image of fire (Zhang, 2012; Shui, 1987) also can be found in the field of literature。 (3) The cross-culture study of fire (Li, 2009) fire is used as a tool to compare two cultures。

















