
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I.Introduction    1
    II.Listening Comprehension    2
    2.1 The Nature of Listening Comprehension.    2
    2.2The Importance of Listening Comprehension.    2
    2.3Interrelationship Between Listening Comprehension and Other skills.    3
    III.Factors Influencing English Listening Ability    3
    3.1 Non-English Major Students' Factors    3
    3.1.1 Phonetics and Phonology Factor    3
    3.1.2 The Limitation of Vocabulary    4
    3.1.3 Problems About Grammar    4
    3.1.4 Listening Habits    5
    3.1.5 Psychological Factors of Students    5
    3.2 Teachers' Factors    6
    3.3 Environment Factor    6
    IV.How to Improve Listening Ability    7
    4.1 About the Student Aspect    7
    4.1.1 To Strengthen Phonetic Knowledge    7
    4.1.2 To Enlarge Vocabulary Combined With Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Translating.    8
    4.1.3 To learn Grammar Knowledge    8
    4.1.4 To Amend Listening Habits    8
    4.2 About the Teaching Aspect    9
    4.2.1 Development of Students' Interest in English Listening    9
    4.2.2 Pay Attention to The Stage of Listening Teaching    9
    4.2.3 Make Good Use of Modern Multi-media and Other Listening Facilities    12
    V.Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    II.Listening Comprehension
    2.1 The Nature of Listening Comprehension.
    On the basis of research work by many scholars,the nature of listening comprehension is presented to us,just as O’Malley and Chamot state according to their empirical study that “listening comprehension is an active and conscious process in which the listener constructs meaning by using cause from contextual information and existing knowledge,while relying upon multiple strategic resources to fulfill the task requirement”.They found that the active processing and the use of strategy were involved in every stage of comprehension. Vandergrift also holds the same view. He states in detail, “Listening comprehension is a complex,active process in which the listener must discriminate between sounds, understand vocabulary and  grammatical structures,interpret stress and intonation,retain what was gathered in all of the above,and interpret it within the immediate as well as the larger social cultural context of the utterance.Coordinating all of this involves a great deal of mental activity on the part of the listener” .
    It has been generally agreed that listening comprehension is an active,complex, and constructive process,and listeners plays a very active and important role in constructing the meaning of the speaker.
    2.2The Importance of Listening Comprehension.
    Listening comprehension plays a vital role in our daily lives. Communication could not take place without successful listening comprehension.
    Apart from its importance in communication, listening is assuming greater and greater significance in foreign language classrooms. As Rost points out, listening is vital in the classroom because it provides input for the learner. Without understanding input at the right level, learning cannot begin. It is also closely related to the development of spoken language proficiency. Spoken language provides a means of interaction for the learners must interact to achieve understanding, access to speakers of the language in essential. Moreover, learners’failure to understand the language they hear is an impetus, not an obstacle.
    According to bulletin, listening is one of the fundamental language skills. It is a medium through which children, young people and adults gain a large portion of their education—their information,their understanding of the word and of human affairs, their ideals, sense of values, and their appreciation.In this day of mass communication, it is of vital importance that our pupils be taught to listen effectively and critically, he says.
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