
    Listening is the most common communicative activity in daily life: “expect to listen twice as much as we speak four times more than we read, and five times more than we write”.
     2.3 Interrelationship Between Listening Comprehension and Other skills.
    It is obvious that listening has a direct influence on communication. Rivers , who has been “long an advocate for listening comprehension”, had enough foresight to say that, “speaking itself does not constitute communication unless what is been said is comprehended by another person”, and that “teaching the comprehension of spoken speeches is therefore of primary importance if the communication aim is to be reached”. Besides, listening comprehension is connected with other language skills, especially reading skills. This is of particular importance within the Chinese context where reading has traditionally been the major focus of English skills learning.
    There is potential skill transferring from listening to reading. The better listener is usually also the better reader. Efficiency in processing spoken language makes reading easier, despite of the difference between the spoken and written language, they still contain essentially similar lexical, syntactic, and grammatical elements.
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