The practical significance of the thesis comprises two points as following:

(1) The research can enrich the contents of training in improving teaching capacity of college English teachers。

(2) This study is conducive to the development of English teachers' e-teaching capacity, and it puts forward more strategic and appropriate methods to make possible the improvement of teachers' professional competence。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Definition of E-teaching Capacity

2。1。1 Previous Studies on Teachers’ E-teaching Capacity

Although many experts in the country have carried out a great number of profound studies on the teachers' e-teaching capacity, most scholars or experts have different understandings and interpretations on the concept of teachers' e-teaching capacity。论文网

Different definitions worded by domestic scholars are as following:

According to the value-oriented views, the scholar Wang Weijun (2012) holds that to improve teachers 'e-teaching ability is to promote the development of the students。 The capacity refers to the comprehensive competence of completing the tasks in teaching activities using information resources。 It is a purposeful and ambitious process in the development of teachers' e-teaching ability。 In an essay written by Li Juan and Zhang Jiaming (2011), the capacity is defined as the theory and practice of teachers’ teaching attitudes, teaching philosophy, teaching skills, and teaching research in the process of e-teaching。

From the perspective of technology, some scholars think teachers' e-teaching capacity means the competence of applying the internet-centered technology to teaching and reforming the traditional teaching mode in order to realize the value of education informatization in practice (Xu Fuyin, 2009)。 Some other scholars who emphasize the role of technology define the e-teaching capacity as teachers’ comprehensive level of resources exploitation while improving the students’ information literacy by using technology appropriately in the teaching process (Zhao Jianwu & Guo Shaoqing, 2011)。

In the view of integration-oriented definition, Chen Jianlin (2010) holds that e-teaching literacy consists of the capacity of making heavy use of the "living books", the ability to select valid resources and create a proper virtual environment, and the competence to learn the model of information technology teaching。 And some experts advocate that all the teachers should be equipped with the capacity of applying the technology to teaching, so that they can make a better teaching plan, evaluate the teaching efficiency more reasonably and manage teaching resources more effectively (Zhong Zhixian, 2003)。 Holding similar opinions, some think that e-teaching capacity is an integration of the acquired knowledge and ability to facilitate the students' learning efficiency in a way applying technology to teaching, which is based on teacher's comprehension and understanding about education (Zuo Mingzhang, 2016)。

To conclude the definitions given above, scholars and experts hold different opinions from different perspectives, but the author thinks that the basic connotation of teacher's e-teaching ability can be pided into three major aspects: the consciousness and attitude of e-teaching, the basic knowledge and skills about e-teaching (including the capacity of practical application of information technology, the capacity of integrating technology well into teaching and the ability to further research on e-teaching) and the ethics in the process of e-teaching。 

2。1。2 College English Teachers’ E-teaching Capacity

As a course for language learning in college, what makes English different from other courses is that the task of learning English encompasses six core elements: listening, speaking, reading, viewing, writing and interpreting。 The prevalence of Internet provides convenience to communications among people all over the world。 And language is also a tool of communication。 Therefore, each core competence of language learning can be strengthened and developed by the support of technology。 Most of the colleges and universities in China have been equipped with the information infrastructure。 With the gradual improvement of technology, the e-teaching model in college English course becomes a new teaching paradigm (Sui Xiaobing, 2013)。 Under the environment of IT, e-teaching of foreign language can definitely facilitate the learning ability of most language learners and promote the development of their language skills。

















