1。2 Previous and Current Research

Since the advent of the translation of Shakespeare’s plays, it has become a central issue。 A lot of research has been done domestically。 The research includes two main points: research on translators and on translated works。 The research on translators involves their lives, translation activities, motivation of translation, philosophy of translation, and ideas of translation。 As for the research on the translated works, the research content mainly includes the following five aspects: the pros and cons,correctness and incorrectness in the language transformation, the style of translation, the imagery of translation and the universal characters, based on corpora in translation and the effect of translation。论文网

About Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu’s translation, a lot of researches have been done。 Zhu Anbo, one of the most famous professors in intercultural translation, once makes his own comments on Zhu Shenghao’s translation that “Zhu’s principle of translation is to keep the “charm” of the original text。 His translation follows the meaning and lingering charm of the original text to keep its fascination。 And this principle also shapes the language style of Zhu’ s translation。 His translated works possess the feature of both elegance and fluency, conveying the ideology of the original work at the same time。 And the colloquialism is also considered。” (The Research on Zhu Shenghao’s Literary Translation, 朱安博, Beijing:2014,2)。 The Shakespeare expert He Xianglin also thinks that “Zhu Shenghao’s version is faithful, expressive and elegance。 The biggest feature of Zhu’s version is that the syntax is graceful and the writing is quite fluent。 It is like a waterfall which rushes down thousands of miles away, and the sentences has a flowing sense。” (Chinese Translation Dictionary【M】, 林煌天, Wuhan:2005。) 。 On the other hand, about Liang Shiqiu’s translation, the English Doctor Yan Xiaojiang gives her comments in her book that “Liang focuses on the faithfulness of the original text。 As one of the advocators of the traditional opera campaign, he puts forward his own idea about the sinizication of western dramas that we should first follow the original works and then develop the new features of our own。 Thus he sticks to the words and sentences translation, trying to inspire the readers to utilize their imagination to apprehend the connotation the original works bring。” (Liang Shiqiu’s Writing and Translation, Yan Xiaojiang, Beijing:2012。3)

In general, Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu’s versions of Shakespeare’s works are so distinguished that many researchers have made the comparison from various perspectives。 Broadly it is concluded in professors Li Hhuiyuan and Ren Xiuying’s paper that “Zhu Shenghao emphasizes the charm of the original work, while Liang Shiqiu makes every effort to retain the true feeling of the original wok。 Zhu has a beautiful translated text。 The language is close to the target language and the translation style is clearly domestication。 On the opposite, Liang’s version’s syntax is not as graceful, but the content and the form are kept identical to the original work。 It retains the original appearance of Shakespeare’s works and the translation style is alienation。” (The Contrastive Study of Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu’s translated versions of Shakespeare’s Dramas。 李媛慧and 任秀英, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, 2012)文献综述

2。 Zhu and Liang’s Translation Theories

Since the Chinese pioneer interpreter Yan Fu put forward the translation principle of “faithfulness”, “expressiveness” and “elegance”, it has made a great influence on several generations of interpreters。 Mr。 Zhu and Liang are also among the influenced ones。 However, their different comprehension leads to the different translation theories they chose to practice in their translation works。

















