On the whole, Ralph was a positive character。 Even though he had some weaknesses, he endeavored to guard civilization; he was the last one to fight against evil power。 

2。2 Jack

Jack was totally different from Ralph: he was always eager for power, he was crazy about hunting and he finally became the leader of the more violent group。 However, readers should objectively analyze this character, he was initially a good guy, but he released evilness gradually。

Jack, the head of the choir in their school, had stronger desire to lead others。 He thought he was the best candidate for their leader, but he did not obviously express his ambition in the beginning。 At first, he was not the symbol of savagery and evilness。 His transformation was a gradual process with the development of this novel’s plot。 At the beginning of the story, he acted as an educated child and also wanted to set up a normal society like Britain。 He supported Ralph’s opinion “I agree with Ralph。 We’ve got to have rules and obey them。 After all, we’re not savages。 We’re English” (Golding,2006:52-53)。 He originally promised to keep the fire and go hunting。 He couldn’t bear the sight of blood and fears to kill a pig at the first time。 When other children mocked him, he said “I was just waiting for a moment to decide where to stab him”(Golding,2006:35)。 Readers can see that Jack was so kind and active。 But finally, he became a savage Chief whom he hated to be。 His positive nature had an evident contrast with his “beast” nature in the following chapters of the novel。文献综述

Judging from Golding’s description about Jack, readers can identify that he was the symbol of savagery and evilness in Lord of the Flies。 Jack was tall thin and bony with red hair。 “His hair was red beneath the black cap。 His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness。 Out of this face stared two light blue eyes, frustrated now, and turning, or ready to turn, to anger”(Golding,2006:19)。 All of these descriptions made us think of the Devil in Bible。 He had undoubted power in his choir, so he was extremely interested in this island’s administration, but children voted for Ralph to be the leader, which buried the root of conflicts between Ralph and Jack。 Ralph emphasized the necessity of the fire while Jack paid so much attention to hunting。 Thus, he and his followers could eat meat while the other children had no choice but to eat wild fruits。 The chance to eat meat became very special, and it developed a strong power in this specific environment。 Oppositely, Ralph could not convince these children to maintain the hope to be rescued even he himself thought his speech was so boring。 Children preferred eating delicious meat to living with a little hope。 When Jack realized that children were more inclined to follow him, he continued to undermine Ralph’s leadership, enlarge his influence and set up his own tribe against Ralph。 His tyranny beat Ralph’s democracy。 

As the leader of the evil camp, Jack conquered every child on this island。 He and his followers killed Simon and Piggy one after another。 His crazy behavior had not yet ended。 Finally, he planned to burn Ralph。 He was leading the children to hell in this slaughter step by step。 

















