The detailed requirements are listed as follows。

LEVEL 5  On writing   Students can:

1 gather and organize material according to the purpose of the writing。

2 draft short letters and passages independently,editing them with the teacher's guidance。

3 use common linking devices to express oneself fluently and logically in writing。 

4 write simple descriptions of people or things 。

5 write simple paragraphs,instructions and explanations according to prompts given in pictures or tables。

  From the chart above we can find that the ultimate goal of English teaching in China is to achieve Chinese English learners’ comprehensive language competence。 So in order to meet the requirements of the NEC, English teachers are expected to make some changes in their ways of teaching。 

  To learners, only when their teaching styles fit students’ leaning styles, would students become interested in the lessons and could they learn English more efficiently。 Besides, because listening and reading are receptive skills while writing is a productive one, what teachers should take into consideration is how to provide students with enough high-quality information in some adaptable ways of practice, then students could output efficiently by accumulation。 

  And in recent years, teachers are attempting to use more modern technologies in writing teaching to provide more effective resources for students’ language learning。 And one of these new techniques is Mind Mapping。

2。2 What is Mind Mapping 

   2。2。1 The Definition of The Mind Mapping 论文网

  Mind Mapping is a particular type of higher level graphic organizer which was first come up with by Buzan。 According to Budd (2004), “a mind map is an outline in which the major categories radiate from a central image and lesser categories are portrayed as branches of larger branches” (Budd, 2004, p。36)。 

   Mind maps assure inpiduals to recall knowledge and to show the relations between different thoughts and concepts (Buzan ve Buzan, 1995; Buzan, 2002; Buzan, 2005)。 So, mind mapping could provide teachers with a feedback about students’ mental structure and development of their mental structure, could facilitate students’ recalling of the knowledge with the assistance of using visual elements and could be used as an activity that encourage students to participate the lessons。

   2。2。2 The Origin of The Mind Mapping

  The origin of mind mapping comes from the physiological characteristics of human brain。 The human brain is consist of 2 halves which are responsible for different purposes。 The left side is in charge of logic, words, arithmetic, linearity, sequences, analysis and lists。 The right side of the brain is in charge of multi dimensionality, geometry and synthesis。 Studies show that human brain could respond very well to words, images, color and direct association。 

   Buzan defined these features of the human brain to develop a set of rules which is simple to follow in order to create a maze of information called the mind map (Buzan)。 Buzan believes that mind mapping can increase memory retention and productivity (Buzan 1976, Buzan 1993)。 The concept of mind mapping has existed for many years but it was only made popular by Tony Buzan in the 1960s。 His initial purpose is to make the users to organize and recall conceptual information in a more efficient way。

   2。2。3 Present Researches on Mind Mapping

     2。2。3。1 The Theoretical Basis of Mind Mapping

      A) The Whole Brain Thinking

  In order to make the aims of this thesis more clearly, an brief explanation of the whole brain theory would be necessary。 It was Ned Herrman in the 1980’s first came up with a model to explain how the human brain works。 He talked about how the brain thinks, works, learns, solves problems and communicates with other systems。 

















