Originally, her mother urged Elizabeth to get married。 However, Elizabeth had her own view of marriage which was different from traditional one。 She believed that marriage must be based on true love and refused to get married with someone she did not like and she hoped that she would get a true happy marriage。 Born in a rich and powerful family, Darcy had big farms, a large number of money。 In addition, he had an enviable appearance。 However, Darcy was often misunderstood and people were always thinking that he was arrogant because he did not like participating in any party or other social activities。 

But in fact, Darcy was strong-minded。 When he found Elizabeth was kind, clever and behaved elegantly, he threw off his prejudice against Elizabeth and gradually fell in love with her。 However, due to different social status and the big gap between their property, Darcy chose to restrain his feeling, which lead to Elizabeth’s misunderstanding。 She thought that Darcy looked down upon her and her family。 After going through some setbacks, Darcy decided to change his arrogant behaviors and Elizabeth also changed her attitude towards Darcy。 From this novel, we can see that the author, Jane Austen, accepted and pursued this kind of marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy。 They got married for love, mutual respect not for property or lust。

4。 Four Key Factors in Marriage

4。1 The importance of property

     In 19th century, the productive forces in England developed at a fast speed。 As a result, the society changed greatly。 The new noble was the typical example。 They appeared with the development of society and technology and had a large amount of property。 Furthermore, they took an important role in the society。 At that time, property was closely connected with social status and value。 The more money you had, the higher social status you would get。 And this kind of view gradually interiorized, which caused people to try their best to accumulate money。 Just because of the pursuit of money and property, people’s view of marriage was also connected with property。 

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of good fortune must be in want of a wife”。(Austen 2) This is a famous sentence in Pride and Prejudice, which shows a common phenomenon that people’s view of marriage was closely connected with the property and social status in the 19th century。 In Pride and Prejudice, Mrs。 Bennet always expected that her five daughters could get married with someone who came from rich family and live a luxurious life。 To some extent, this had become her only goal of life。 Mrs。 Bennet had a strong desire for money and higher social status。 Therefore, the property was her only standard of choosing son-in law。 All the rich single men were on her list of alternative son-in-law。 

And we have mentioned the marriage between Charlotte and Collins, Charlotte Lucas did not attempt to find a man she loved。 She was defeated by her desire for acquiring the guarantee of material and financial security。 We have no reason to criticize Charlotte in that Charlotte did nothing wrong except for choosing a practical marriage。 At the same time, it is easy to see the importance of property from the marriage of Lydia and Wickham。 “It had always been evident to her that such an income as theirs, under the direction of two persons so extravagant in their wants, and heedless of the future, must be very insufficient to their support; and whenever they changed their quarters, either Jane or herself were sure of being applied to for some little assistance towards discharging their bills”。 (Austen 498)文献综述

In addition, the money was one of the factors leading to Jane and Elizabeth’s happy marriage。 “The daring wish of his sisters was then gratified; he bought an estate in a neighbouring county to Derbyshire, and Jane and Elizabeth, in addition to every other source of happiness, were within thirty miles of each other”。 (Austen 496) From what we discussed, we can find that many people always attached great importance to the economic condition when considering the marriage。 “Though this theme of the predominant money consideration in love and marriage is sometimes barely hinted at or indirectly suggested, it is nevertheless there”。 (Chen 146)

















