In chapter two, the thesis has reviewed the previous research and present situation of advertising translation and the development of functional equivalence。 In this chapter, the thesis will introduces the development of advertisement in terms of its history, definition, features and functions。 

3。1 History

According to the current research, the world’s earliest text advertisement is the ancient Egypt relic written on the papyrus and its content is about rewarding a fleeing slave。 After then in ancient Roman there are various ways of advertisements such as signboard, exhibition, poem and so on。 The extensive application of printing has made advertising enter into the era of print advertising。 At the end of the 19th century, some people in the West began to do the research on advertising theory。 In 1898, E。S Louis proposed the AIDA rule。 He argued that an advertisement must be able to meet four requirements in order to achieve the expected effect。 That is first to attract readers’ attention and interest and then to motivate the readers’ desire and last to facilitate the purchase action。 During this period, advertising developed at a high speed and it gradually became a independent discipline。

After the 20th century, with the application of modern communication equipment, the advertising developed in an unprecedented rapid。 The reform of advertising ideas and practices promote the advertising business to the modernization。 After the 80s of last century, with the rapid development and popularization of electronic media, advertising activities generally became integrated。文献综述

3。2 Definition 

What is advertisement therefore? There are many explanations。 One famous definition, proposed by American Marketing Association (AMA), is that advertising “is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media”。 This definition can be further analyzed in four terms: 1) The term “non-personal” means the message is showed to all readers not just one person。 2) The term “paid” means the advertiser must pay for the text information。 If the message isn’t paid, it can not be called advertisement。 3) The term “products, services or ideas” means that the message must include every range of readers’ requirements。 4) The term “identified” means that the advertisement is worth to be displayed to the audience。 If the message can not achieve the expected desire, it can not be called advertisement。

















