Three-act family drama A Doll’s House is the example of Ibsen’s works, reflects his ideas and artistic achievements。 It descripts the story between Nora and his husband from “harmony” to break。 Dramatic climax is at the end: after seeing through the hypocrisy of the family, the unreasonable of society, awaked Nora leaves her hypocritical husband resolutely, puts aside her children and goes out of the doll’s house, closes the door with a big bang to look for the true self with spiritual independence, left a huge shock to Europe and the world。 A doll’s house has been regarded as “women’s liberation movement of its”。 In the story, Nora finally realize her doll status in the family, and to her husband solemnly declared: “first of all, I am a man, like you, I have to learn to do at least one person”(Isben 740)。 It is regarded as the traditional concept of with the center of the patriarchal social rebellion。

1。3 The significance of the thesis

In the first place, based on the contrastive study of two heroines in The Awakening and A Doll’s House, this article analyzes the the process in which Nora and Edna converted from a canary of the husband in a harmonious family to awake by their own efforts, to understand the world, to understand themselves, to resolutely flee to find spiritual independence, reflects the necessity for women to pursue the spiritual independence and becomes a reference to the spiritual pursuit of the modern women。文献综述

Furthermore, when we talk about women, there are a lot of things related to this topic。 Women, a group of great female in our world, play an important role in our  society。  However,  Women  once  faced  many  disadvantages  in  society。 Before 1960s, women were regarded inferior to men, a woman was supposed to obey her husband when married him。 And her husband became the legal representatives of the marriage and gained complete control of her poverty。 They had to stay at home to take care of the children, the families, and did the housework。 Most of them were illiterate because they could not enjoy the equal rights in education。 Though Some of them have a chance to go to school, they were forced to quit even before they finished the primary school。 At that time, even women themselves held that they were born to be the servants for their husbands or their families。

Last but not least, women and men have equal political rights, legal rights and equal pay in theory。 Gender discrimination and gender oppression of realistic society, however, still emerge endlessly, women don’t really change。 Therefore, feminist movement is the male-centered challenges of cultural and social order, which change the phenomenon of inequality between men and women, promote the harmony between people and contribute terribly to social stability。

















