2。 Theoretical Foundation论文网

Intertextuality is a literary theory which is a concept put forward by Julia Kristeva, who is a French critic。 As a matter of fact, intertextuality begins with Saussure’s structuralist linguistics。 Bakhtin’s theories of dialogism and polyphony are also crucial。 Saussure’s structuralist linguistics and Bakhtin’s dialogism are the most direct academic sources of intertextual theory and directly lead to Kristeva’s coinage of “intertextuality”。 She brought up it in her book ‘Word, Dialogue and Novel’ published in 1966 for the first time。 

From the view of Kristeva’s semiotics to Halliday’s social semiotics, discusses that text is regarded as one of the elements of a socio-semiotic of language。 Julia Kristeva combines Saussurean and Bakhtinian theories of language and literature to produce the first articulation of intertextual theory。 When Kristeva introduced Bakhtin’s academic thoughts to her French audience in some of her works in 1960s, she coined “intertextuality” and expressed her textual and inter textual theories from the perspective of poststructuralism。 Although the history of intertextuality is not very long comparing to others, it is a development full of ups and downs。 Because the definition of this theory is strictly limited by all sorts of factors while it is being used more and more frequently and widely。 In general, many French critics views about intertextuality from the broad and the narrow aspects。 Besides Kristeva, there are Barthes, Derrida, Genette and Riffaterre。 From the perspective of poststructuralism, Kristeva, Barthes and Derrida define intertextuality in a broad way。 They consider the whole world as a text and there is a reciprocally referential relationship between each text and its signifying practice—such as language system, knowledge codes and culture—which gives the text meaning。 (Tong 33) However, as in the narrow sense, Genette and Riffaterre define that intertextuality is used to refer to a piece of specific text which has some quoted, adapted or mimetic relationships with other texts that exist in this text。 That is, viewed through the lens of intertextual dialogism, the source is neither hermetic, nor self-sufficient nor a closed system。 As Robert Stam has recently argued, ‘Film adaptationsare caught up in the ongoing whirl of intertextual reference and transformation, of texts generating other texts in an endless process of recycling, transformation, and transmutation, with no clear point of origin。 In this light, all creation becomes adaptation as ‘Prior text materials lose special status by permutation with other texts in the intertextual exchange because all intertexts are of equal importance in the intertextual process。

Thus, to the social impact of film adaptation—the frequently noticed fact that far more people see the film than read the book, or read or buy the book only after having seen the film—must be added its theoretical dimension, which places adaptation as part of the larger phenomenon of rewriting and of a theory of intertextuality。 (Aragay 202)文献综述

Many western scholars did the research to study literature works from many aspects such as ideology, psychology, sociology etc。 From 1990s, the intertextuality theory and method have gone much beyond literature。 It was broadly used by western scholars to comment and practice in many social and cultural fields, and became a symbol term in current culture research。 This thesis emphasizing on analyzing the intertextuality relationships between the texts of Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea may bring some new thinking to readers and help them understand it in a new way。

















