Later, the student of Reiss’s --Hans Vermeer, made a breakthrough with the restrict of equivalence theory。 He developed and founded skopos theory based on the behavioral theory。 He first put forward the basic principles of skopos theory in the general translation theory framework published in 1978。 In 1984, Vermeer and Reiss worked together to complete the general theory of translation。 In this book, Vermeer explains translations including interpreting as a conversion based on primitive text, and any act is purposeful。 So translation is also purposeful and can have an influence in the target language culture (Vermeer 7)。

Next is the development-- Justa Holz Mantari’s theory of translation action。 The theoretical basis of functional close to translation is action theory proposed by von Wright and Rehbein and communication theory。 This expresses clearly in Holz-Manttari's theory and methodology of translational action in which she even avoids using the term "translation" in the strict sense。 She gives a definition of translation as "a complex action designed to achieve a particular purpose"。 The purpose of translational action is to transfer message across culture and language barriers by means of message transmitters produced by experts。 She devotes herself to the actional aspects of the translation process, the role of the participants and the situational conditions such as time, place and medium in which translation activities take place。 She also pays special attention to the position of the translator (Vermeer 76)。

Finally is Christiane Nord’s Function Plus Loyalty。 Nord supports that functionalist approaches to translation both in translator training and practice and she tries to refine Vermeer's model by proposing her own functional model: functionality plus loyalty。 Functional approaches take into consideration the function of texts and translation in the real situation of professional translation, and depart from the predominantly equivalence-based linguistic- oriented translation theories。

2。3 The principle of skopos theory文献综述

Skopos theory has three principles including skopos rule, fidelity rule and coherence rule。 Skopos rule is the core principle of skopos theory。 It consists of the purpose of translators, communicative purpose of translation and achieving the purpose by any means。 This method of how this result determines the way determines the entire translation behavior。 Under the guidance of the principle of purpose, translators adopt the corresponding translation strategies and methods, flexibility to deal with the difference between the translation and the original and then facilitate the understanding of the target language readers (Vermeer 76)。 Skopos rule is helpful in solving the problems between free translation and literal translation, dynamic equivalence and formal equivalence, flexible translators and conservative translators。 In other words, that is, the purpose of translation may also be free translation or literal translation。 But no matter what method and strategy are served by the purpose of translation。 Under the guidance of this principle, the translator's position greatly improved, at the same time translation process and strategy has also been a very good addition (Jia 28)。

Fidelity rule means that the translator should be loyal to the original, semantics should be coherent, responsible for the original and translate it faithfully。 In this principle, the degree and form of faith is determined by the translator's understanding of the original text, and also depends on the purpose of translation。 It can vary with the change of purpose。 Fidelity rule is a necessary supplement to the skopos rule。

















