Abstract Now, the American sitcoms have appeared widely in China and  have played a very important role in our entertainment life。 The subtitle translation plays a important role in American sitcoms, so the translator must pay attention to the subtitle translation。 The thesis studies the English-Chinese subtitles of 2 Broke Girls using examples from the aspects of vocabulary equivalence, syntactic equivalence and rhetorical equivalence。 Translators need to get fully understanding of the original meanings and then choose the closest expression from the target language so as to achieve lexical equivalence; Syntactic equivalence is more complex, it focuses on the logic and coherence of the sentence as a whole; And the rhetorical equivalence will not always be met, for example, the English rhyme can not be translated into Chinese rhyme literally。 Absolute translation equivalence does not exist, we can only pursue the greatest degree of relative equivalence as much as possible。85742

Keywords: subtitle translation; functional equivalence theory; 2 Broke Girls

摘要现在,美国情景喜剧广泛出现在我们中国人的视野中,并在我们的娱乐生活中起到 了非常重要的作用。字幕翻译在其中扮演了举足轻重的角色,因此译者必须重视字幕翻 译。论文通过举例分析,从词汇对等、句法对等、修辞方式对等三个方面对《破产姐妹》 英译汉字幕翻译进行研究。翻译者需要了解原文的意义,然后从目标语中选择最接近的 表达,以实现词汇的对等;句法对等相对更加复杂,它侧重于句子整体的逻辑性和连贯 性;而修辞方式的对等不会一直满足,例如英文的押韵无法翻译成中文的押韵。绝对的 翻译对等是不存在的,我们只能尽可能地追求最大程度的相对对等。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Theoretical Basis-Eugene A。 Nida’s Functional Equivalence 4

4。 The Application of Functional 来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766 Equivalence Theory in Subtitle Translation of 2 Broke Girls 6

4。1 Equivalence at lexical level 6

4。2 Equivalence at syntactic level 8

4。3 Equivalence at rhetorical level 9

5。 Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13


With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up and the accelerated development of globalization, a large number of outstanding foreign film and television works have caught our sight。 They are especially loved by young people in China。 The US TV series plays a vanguard role in the process of cultural exchange between China and the United States due to the more and more broad the channels of watching the US TV series and the Chinese audiences’ strong acceptance to it。论文网

There are two reasons why this article chooses American sitcom as the object of study。 One is my own love and understanding of American sitcoms。 Secondly, compared to other themes, the language of the American sitcom is not only more abundant and witty, but also involves a large number of cultural background, which is closely related to its humor。 Verbal humor is an important element in American sitcom, and it is also a major difficulty in its subtitle translation。 The quality of subtitle translation directly affects the comic  effect of verbal humor。 Therefore, it is necessary to study subtitle translation of American sitcoms。 Nowadays, there are some researches on the subtitle translation in the Chinese and Western translation circles, but it does not form a complete theoretical system。 Compared with the translation research results of other written works, the translation of the subtitles is far from enough。 Choosing the American comedy as the starting point of the subtitles research is very few, so I choose the popular scene comedy 2 Broke Girls。 This paper explores the research methods of American sitcom subtitles from the perspective of functional equivalence theory。 The previous studies on the 2 Broke Girls are the subtitle translation from the perspective of cooperative principle, and they respectively analyze the humorous effect of the comedy from the four criterions of the cooperative principle。 The cooperative principle includes the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relevance and the maxim of manner。 This paper studies the subtitle translation of 2 Broke Girls from a different perspective : functional equivalence。

















