‘Really?’ 坑爹呢?

     ‘I need an aspirin。’ 有脑残片吗?

     ‘You dog, you。’ 小坏蛋,装什么装。

     Just like the above translations, people will feel that the films or the TV dramas are very close to their daily life。 Aspirin means a medicine that reduces pain, inflammation, and fever。 To make the audience understand the plot better, the translator translates it into the Chinese meaning‘脑残片’。 Subtitle translation should also follow the principle of conciseness and immediately comprehensibly。 Therefore, the spoken language and the colloquialism has become features of English film and television drama subtitle translation。

3。1。2 Fashionable termss文献综述

     The catchword is a word that is popular widely among some people, particularly young people, but the catchword is easy to be forgotten by human beings and be replaced by another catchword。 As one of the most influential entertainment media, film and television programs inevitably follow the trend of the times。 The English language used in the program will naturally contain a large number of new words and words that are given new meaning。 For example, with the rapid development of the Internet, many of the words related to the network appear。 In many movies and television dramas, young people's dialogue will use a lot of network popular terms, such as: web-page, message short, MSN, e-mail, etc。 The subtitle translation of The Big Bang Theory has some catchwords。 For example, the translation of the sentence, “Not yet,but her underwear photo shoot was an embarrassment”----还没,可她的下水照可真囧。In this sentence, the word embarrassment translates into the Chinese meaning‘囧’。There are also some other examples。

     ‘See?I can’t do it。’ 臣妾做不到啊。

     ‘You may actually believe you’re in a comedy club’ 你都会觉得自己是在德云社听相声。

     ‘Penny is cuckoo for cocoa puffs’  Penny亲你的次数就跟脑白金广告一样多。

     “臣妾做不到啊。”This sentence is a very popular line in the famous television drama The Legend of Zhen Huan。 The translator translates the sentence ‘See? I can’t do it’ into this meaning。 This translation combines the translation of foreign language with fashionable elements in China at that time 。 This represents the subtitle translation is in The Big Bang Theory is fashionable。 Only by making the subtitle translation more popular can attract more people’s attention。 Combining the subtitle translation of English films and TV dramas with popular words in China can make the films and TV dramas more interesting to watch and more easy to understand。

















