Different countries have different cultures。 So, it is necessary for us to understand different cultural in order to avoid cultural misunderstanding。 This essay also tries to make people have a sense of political correctness’s feeling and it tries to make people know more about this world。 The political correctness is so close to us that we can not pretend it not exit。 This essay help people know more about themselves and they can not be drowning into the mainstream。 

Quite a few people are likely to find that the political correctness is an ironic phrase。 We can pide political correctness into the “political” and “correctness”。 The political in political correctness means that the political correctness actually serves for the governor in some extent。 The governor and the people will support some groups and behaviors no matter whether it is suitable for the society。

In the first part, the paper discusses the election and political correctness。 It shows that the political correctness actually affects the result of the election。 In the second part, the essay takes someone in the South Park for example to demonstrate how the Political Correctness affects the ordinary people。 This essay will also introduce the relationship between the Political Correctness and free speech。 In some ways,these two elements might have deep relevance。 In the end, the essay summarizes the minority in the society。 I hope this thesis can change the previous views of someone who is not clear about the Political Correctness。 

2。 Literature Review

Professor Dan declare that Political correctness as he will understand it is the attempt to establish norms of speech that are sought to protect the vulnerable, marginalize victim-ed groups and which function by shaping public discourse, often by inhibiting speech or other or other forms of social signaling and that are supposed to avoid insult and outrage, a lowed sense of self-esteem or otherwise offending the sensibilities of such groups and their allies。 The concept, we should note, is one used by his enemies。 Dubbing something politically incorrect implied there is something worrisome or objectionable at work, though not necessary that the political correctness is wrong all things considered。 

Professor Robin said we have found that political correctness does not only pose problems for those in the “majority。” When majority members cannot speak candidly, members of underrepresented groups also suffer: “minorities” can’t discuss their concerns about fairness and fears about feeding into negative stereotypes, and that adds to an atmosphere in which people tiptoe around the issues and one another。 These dynamics breed misunderstanding conflict, and mistrust, corroding both managerial and team effectiveness。

Professor Robin also said when people treat their cultural differences-and the conflicts and tensions that arisen from them--as opportunities to seek a more accurate view of themselves, each other and the situation, trust builds and relationships become stronger。 To support this approach, leaders should put aside the Political Correctness rule book instead model and encourage risk taking in service of building the organization’s capacity to foster high-quality relationships。 The value of these skills will reverberate though every dimension of the company’s work。 

3。 The Political Correctness in the USA from South Park

3。1 The Election and Political Correctness来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766

Donald Trump was selected as the president of USA in 2016。 This was a prominent signal in American society, which meant that the political correctness failed in the political area。 In a long time, the political correctness has played an crucial role in every aspects of America, especially in the politics。 But at this time, the big change happened。 As a mirror to American society, South Park noted this event in its new episode。 They made one of their characters Mr。 Garrison elected for the president。 And people can find that the appearance and behavior of he are identical to Donald Trump。 South Park let the election be one of the important plots in the season twenty。 As an anti-culture series, the South Park usually hides its political complexion in order to avoid trouble。 But in the new season, the South Park indirectly expressed its wish that Donald Trump could not be the president of American。 But, things did not come as they had wished。 

















