This thesis is pided into five parts。 The first part is to study the necessity and possibility of this thesis。 The second part mainly gives a brief introduction of skopos theory。 The introduction is composed of the theoretic basis, the development and the basic principles of skopos theory。 In the third part, some authentic examples of advertising translation will be studied from the angles like rhetoric devices, cultural persity and so on。 In the fourth part, application of skopos theory in advertising translation and advertising translation strategies guided by skopos theory will be discussed。 The last part aims to draw the conclusion of the study。 It is sincerely hoped that this thesis will truly help study the strategies of advertising translation。 

2。 Literature Review

2。1 The theoretical basis of skopos theory论文网

Skopos theory is the core concept of Functionalism。 The appearance of Functionalism broke the limitations of Functional equivalence proposed by Eugene A。 Nida。 There are mainly four German scholars put efforts at the study of Functionalism。 They are Kantharina Reiss, Hans J。 Vermeer, Justa Holz Mantari and Christiane Nord。 It is Reiss that brings the phrase “functional approach into translation theory”。 Then, Vermeer, the student of Reiss further developed this theory and proposed skopos theory。 On the basis of former study, Mantari pointed out that translation and translation action are totally different and developed the translation action theory。 In order to optimize Functionalism, Nord put forward function plus loyalty theory。 There are both compliments and counterviews towards functionalism, but there is no deny that this theory was meaningful and brought fresh blood to translation field。

The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle put forward the idea that all human beings’ behaviors are purposeful, that is all the behaviors were done for specific targets or results。 He also pointed out that the final target of behaviors is to live。 The primary position of skopos theory is also that all conscious behaviors of human beings are purposeful。 People will spare no efforts to achieve their targets。 So, in order to translate the source language perfectly, a translator can apply whatever strategy that will help him to do it。 The German scholar Katharina Reiss first mentioned functional approach in Possibilities and Limitations in Translation Criticism and put forward “functional category of translation criticism” in 1970s。 Several years later, Reiss’s student -- Hans J。 Vermeer further broke the limitations of functional equivalence and proposed skopos theory which is the fundamental theory of functionalism。

2。2 The development of skopos theory

On the basis of Reiss’s studies, Hans J。 Vermeer put forward skopos theory。 Skopos is a Greek word which means purpose。 The core concept of skopos theory is that the translation methods and strategies must be decided by anticipated purposes or functions of target language。 The definition of skopos theory is produce a target text at target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances (Vermeer 36)。 Vermeer also used the words like aim, purpose, intention and function to avoid confusion。What’s more, he applied many authentic examples to show the usability of this theory。

Justa Holz Mantari further developed skopos theory and proposed theory of translation action。 In his opinion, translation is a complex action which is aimed for specific purposes。 Translation and translation action are two different things。 The former one is just a textual cultural transformation, while the latter one is an information transformation process which realizes the culture and language exchange of information。 It is Christiane Nord who consummated functionalism。 He raised the principle of “function plus loyalty” to remedy the weakness of functionalism and perfect skopos theory (Vermeer 28)。 He distinguished target-text addressee from target-text receiver。 It is prerequisite that the receivers indeed get the addressees’ intentions。 From then on, skopos theory began to interpret translation from translators’ perspective and caused a revolution of translation theories。 Although there some voices blamed skopos theory for its overlooking the source text, the good effects it brought could not be dismissed。















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