In China, PPP pattern is one of traditional teaching techniques which stands for presentation, practice and production。 There are few opportunities for students to participate in classroom practice, which greatly reduces the initiative of students。 The cramming technique is also a basic teaching technique。 These two main English teaching techniques not only pay no attention to students’ creativity, but also neglect the nature of communication。 In this situation, teacher-centered is a common practice in Chinese English class。 

Because of the lack of the teacher-student interaction, the classroom is always boring and monotonous。 Most of the time, the students cannot study efficiently since they do not have enough interest and involvement。 They do remember some basic ideas of the foreign language, but when it comes to the real communication situation, they cannot use them flexibly or creatively。

The suggestion of the classroom interaction and the application to the junior middle school English classroom teaching can change the traditional teaching mode of “cramming” teaching technique and enhance the enjoyment of classroom。 While in the process of English learning, students will not only pay more attention to the papers on the examination results, but also care about the oral English learning in a communicative environment。 It helps students improve their communicative competence and enhance their learning enthusiasm。 The influence of long-term development of students is conducive。 As for the teachers, they are not only organizers, but also managers, promoters and supervisors。 

Based on the constructive viewpoint of interaction in teaching, the primary goal to achieve in this thesis is to assess the concepts, characteristics, main strategies and some suggestions in interactive English classroom。

2。 Literature Review

Many interactive teaching ideas came out in 1970s。 The interactive teaching model is based on the theory of communicative language teaching, which holds that language learning and teaching are interactive processes。 

Also, teaching is an extremely complicated process。 Mehan’s study (Mehan 181) showed that “Interaction in the classroom does not occur in isolated acts of teacher and student talk。 It occurs in connected discourse situated in a social context。” Much attention has been paid to the input available to learners。 Second language is acquired by understanding messages or receiving comprehensible input。 

H。 Douglas Brown (Brown 81) thought that an interactive class will be likely to be found: 

1) doing a significant amount of pair work and group work;

2) receiving authentic language input in real-world contexts;

3) producing language for genuine, meaningful communication;

4) performing classroom tasks that prepare them for actual language use“out there”;

5) practicing oral communication through the give and take and spontaneity of actual conversations;

6) writing to and for real audiences, not contrived ones 。论文网

Wilga M Rivers put forward ten principles of language teaching。 In these ten teaching principles, Rivers had discussed the related factors, such as students, teachers, teaching environment, teaching techniques, teaching materials and testing, and relations between them。 She suggested that the development of language control comes from interactive and creative activities which are shared by all of us。

Marianne thought Interactive Language Teaching was one of the most effective teaching techniques which was more and more concerned and widely used after the appearance of these nine teaching techniques: Cognitive, Direct, Grammar-translation, Comprehension-Bsaed Approach, Audiolingual Approach, Oral-Situational Approach, Affective-Humanistic, Reading Approach and Communicative Approach。 

















