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2。1 The definition and essence of intercultural adaptation

Intercultural adaptation was firstly used by Dryden。 Intercultural adaptation mainly occurs when people from one culture move to a different culture, learning the rules, societal norms, customs and language of the new culture (Dai 1)。 By bringing their existing thoughts, feelings, behaviors and beliefs with them, a person will integrate that into their new society while adjusting and accepting to the new standards。 After adapting completely to the new culture, people become multicultural inpiduals。 

Intercultural adaptation is one of the basic approaches to intercultural communication, which penetrates all aspects of communication。 It is an infinite game played by souls haunted by their own cultural spirits。 An infinite game, according to Carse, is not “for the purpose of continuing the play” (Carse 3)。 Thus, intercultural adaptation is a continuing process of interaction between two cultural beings。 It refers to a harmonious state of equilibrium and co-production originated from mutual exchange of verbal and nonverbal message between the two opposite poles (Teng 22)。 In other words, intercultural adaptation, as a dynamic process, aims to extend the degree of mutual understanding, to explore the force of mutual respect, and to expand the space of mutual acceptance (Dai 51-52)。 When confronted with a new cultural community, a different language, customs, beliefs and behaviors, only do people make the appropriate self-adjustment with a positive attitude can they engage in a constructive dialogue with strangers to adapt to the new society surroundings ( Dai 32)。 If a student can not adapt to the culture where he is studying at, it means a failure of his family and state’s investment。 If an expatriate manager can not adapt to overseas work life, it means that the huge cost of investment could not get the deserved return。 Evidence from recent decades has shown that the managers and their families, who can not adapt to the local environment, have become a heavy burden on the company。 Therefore, about 20% - 50% expatriates fail to adapt to the local environment contributing to returning to homeland in advance (Chen 708)。 Intercultural adaptation emphasizes that adaptation is caused by crossing original cultures, which both refer to inpiduals’ behavioral and psychological adjustments when cultural environment and contents changes, and are mostly used in short terms and relatively superficial adjustment。 The pattern of intercultural adaptation has been an essential concern of intercultural communication research field。 In other words, as problems in new cultural environment have different perspectives, intercultural adaptation refers to a process that participants change and form some appropriate and effective communication skills in a new environment。

2。2 The relationship between film and culture论文网

Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it。 Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture。 Without language, they maintain, culture would not be possible。 On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture (Deng 2)。 “Culture consists of all the shared products of human society” (Robertson 6)。 It not only refers to such material things such as schools, cities, but also refers to the non-material things as ideas, customs, slang and other formal or informal languages。 To put it simply, culture refers to the entire way of life of a society, and the way of a people。 All of these could only be found in films (Cai 5)。 As the values determine people’s thoughts, cultural background and psychology also influence a lot。 Certainly, these three elements are the standard rulers of producing a film。 Film is a manner of cultural displaying and drawing people’s attention on the society (Cai 9)。

















