Film, as the carrier of cultural communication, has increasingly developed into a link between different regions of cultural communication。 As a synthetic art, it is also a unique form to present culture (Zhang 1)。 Film is a comprehensive art, and also a product of culture。 It is connected with a specific ideology, and bears certain social and cultural functions。 Film bears a national life style, social culture, customs and manners, thinking ways and values, belief system and many other aspects。 It is a three-dimensional embodiment of culture。 At the same time, compared with the text language culture, film can break through the limitation of the general language system and become an intercultural artistic expression form。 The relationship between films and culture involves a complicated dynamic; while films certainly influence the mass culture that consumes them, they are also an integral part of that culture, a product of it, and therefore a reflection of prevailing concerns, attitudes, and beliefs。 In considering the relationship between film and culture, it is important to keep in mind that, while certain ideologies may be prevalent in a given era, not only is culture as perse as the populations that form it, but it is also constantly changing from one period to the next (Shi 74)。

Culture is the foundation of film while film enriches culture。 Film, as a high-tech product, with its rich film languages, such as screens, lens, colors, dialogues and so on, makes its cultural information richer and more colorful。 It also can rely on its increasingly advanced technical means to strengthen its dissemination function。 From the birth of film, the cultural information contained in the film has become the content of intercultural communication。 In other words, as a medium, the gradual development and improvement process of film also show that it is a cultural carrier and can well shoulder the function of intercultural communication。

In view of the fact that film has an intercultural characteristic, undoubtedly, in the respect of intercultural communication, film plays an immeasurable role in the dissemination of native culture。 The United States not only dominates the world in the respect of international politics and economy, but also permeates its civilization into different countries and regions。 American culture not only has a strong sense of penetration, but also has a strong power of solvency。 It can dissolve and destroyed many cultures, and finally absorbs all into its own logic。 Among all of these aspects, the Hollywood movies play an important role in the American culture。 Similar to Hollywood films, Chinese films contain a profound natural landscape of traditional culture。 The Chinese films such as Pushing Hands, The Wedding Banquet, Eat Drink Man Woman and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directed by Li An and Hero directed by Zhang Yimou have conveyed some Chinese culture like patriarchal ideology, Chinese wedding ceremony, Chinese food, Chinese kung fu, Chinese national music。 All of these East culture characteristics broaden westerner’' horizons and arouse their curiosity and interest in Chinese culture to make Chinese culture spread around the world (Zhang 20)。 文献综述

Shanghai Calling, as a film describing a cultural adaptation process, vividly shows cultural difference between China and America, and the hardship of an American trying to adapt to the new Chinese cultural environment。 It helps Chinese people to understand sojourners and accept their behaviors and expressions, and it also helps sojourners to have a deep understanding of Chinese culture and society as well。 

3。 Process of Intercultural Adaptation in Shanghai Calling

Sam, an America-born Chinese with yellow skin and black hair, speaks fluent English, knows little about China。 He is a typical representative of inpidualism。 As a successful attorney, Sam is reluctant to come to Shanghai to tackle with the project of the mobile phone production。 During his time in Shanghai, he turns himself from being prejudiced against China to adapting to the Chinese culture and has a deep understanding of Chinese。 Intercultural adaptation has been gradually concerned。 There are many theories concerning intercultural adaptation。 In this thesis, the author analyzes Shanghai Calling through Culture shock and U-shaped curve theory。

















