Abstract Emily Bronte, a brilliant English poet and novelist in the nineteenth century, whose only novel Wuthering Heights since published have received numerous interpretations, especially in recent decades has aroused Chinese literary world’s concern。94749

     This thesis will be on the basis of many scholars at home and board research, digs out the various contrast in the novel and illustrates them in three aspects。 First, the contrast between Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, which not only reflects Emily’s love for wilderness and nature but also expresses Emily’s inner conflict to return civilized society。 Second, the contrast between characters, makes the characters images in the novel more plump。 Third, the contrast between the love tragedy of the previous generation and the happy ending of the next generation, which enriches the characters images and deepens the theme of the novel。


Keywords: Wuthering Heights; contrast; character; theme


    本文将在国内外众多学者的研究基础上,着重分析《呼啸山庄》中对比手法的运用。它们主要表现在三个方面。第一,呼啸山庄与画眉山庄的对比。呼啸山庄与画眉山庄截然不同的环境描写,反应出艾米莉爱荒原,爱自然,却又渴望回归文明社会的矛盾。第二,人物形象的对比。对比元素的运用使得小说中的人物形象更加丰满和立体。第三,上一代的爱情悲剧与下一代的美好结局的对比。对比元素的运用极大地丰富了人物形象,同时也深化了小说的主题。源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Manifestations of Contrast in Wuthering Heights 3

3。1 Environment 3

3。2 The Major Characters 5

3。3 The love between the two generations 8

4。 Artistic Effects of Contrasts in Wuthering Heights 9

4。1 Enriching the major character 9

4。2 Deepening the themes 10

5。 Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1。 Introduction 

     Emily Bronte is widely considered as one of the brilliant novelists and poets in the nineteenth century English literature, though she just created only one novel in her writing career。 In 1818, Emily Bronte was born in a poor family and her father was a priest。 She has four sisters and a brother in whom her elder sister Charlotte Bronte and younger sister Anne Bronte are famous writers。 It can be said that the Bronte family is a family of rich talent for writing。 What’s more, Emily Bronte, Charlotte Bronte and Anne Bronte are called the Bronte sisters who create together a wonder in the history of world literature。 Emily Bronte is considered as the most talented writers in the three sisters。 However, it is a pity that the three great writers all died young。论文网

     Emily’s personality influences her literary works greatly。 Emily is independent, open-minded, innocence, resolute, enthusiasm and introverted。 Apart from her family, Emily seldom communicates with others。 Some critics are confused that in Emily Bronte’s short life, without accepting complete education system and experiencing the practical experience of marriage, how she can write a unique love story。 In fact, before she creates Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte has created about 190 poems, which exercised her writing level。 But the first thing that people think of Emily Bronte is her novel Wuthering Heights, often ignoring her poetry achievements。

















