2。 Literature Review

In the past, there was some study about flower language, but they paid great attention to some specific flowers or plants and their influence on cross-cultural communication, and didn’t attach much importance on the meaning of a flower in different cultures and related reasons。 Just as a Chinese scholar, Jia Jun, has described in his study that the flower language is often explained as the language of flower and is the medium that is helpful for people to communicate。 Also, Sun Huayan sees eye to eye with Jia。 She contends that people can have a knowledge of the similarities and differences through the cognitive means, and the contrastive study of flower language can provide theoretical basis for people that have different cultural background to communicate。 Nevertheless, some scholars may hold different opinions from other scholars。 Take Ye Weiguo for instance。 He stresses that the flower culture in China and the west is extensive and profound and flowers are closely related to historical characters and events, customs, climate, fashion and other things。 As to the author, specific flowers or plants, their impacts on cross-cultural communication, the meaning of a flower in different cultures and related reasons should be given the same emphasis。 Thus, this paper is intended to focus on the meaning of some flowers in different cultures and related reasons。 The thesis comprises 2 parts。 The first one will give a brief introduction to the definition, origin, characteristics of flower language。 Then, the second part will make use of typical examples to make a comparison of the flower language between China and the west, and then analyze the related reasons。 In this way, readers are able to get a closer look at the different meaning of a flower and the influence of the flower language on the cross-cultural communication。

3。 The Brief Introduction of Flower Language

3。1The definition of flower language论文网

The flower language is habitually interpreted as the language of the flower or the symbol of the flower, however, it is not the language of the flower, because the language is not the reflection of the flower’s feelings and needs, nor is the means flower use to communicate。 It is actually a kind of feeling people want to express through giving meaning to a certain flower, and is engendered in a certain historical condition when a certain range of people recognize it as a way of the exchange of information。 It can be seen that flower language is the result of people satisfying their own sentimental needs and expressing feelings。 Therefore, the flower language is the product of natural humanization, and is a special form of human language。 The flower language can be regarded as the most beautiful language in the world。 In addition, the range of flowers includes not only beautiful flowers, but also a variety of plants, as well as some plant-related links。 Therefore, it should be a more generalized reference, referring to all inpiduals with features of plant。 Specifically, the flower language is the vocabulary information and symbolic meaning represented by a plant, plant-related links and the environment in which the plant grows。

3。2The origin of flower language

First of all, flower language originates from physical characteristics of flowers。 The appearance of plants, especially the morphological characteristics of flower, often lead to people’s association, and thus flower language forms and develops。 

Secondly, it originates from habits of flowers。 Through the understanding of the habits of flower, people find that many of the fine qualities of flowers can represent their own characteristics, and then encourage themselves。 For instance, plum blossom has unique fragrance, and has the meaning of elegance; bamboo stands for integrity and modesty。 

Thirdly, it springs from certain functions of flowers。 Once the flower with special function or utility in a certain aspect is widely recognized and widely used, it will be easy to form the corresponding connotation。 Some of the flowers can be used as medical herbs: the juice of hypericum can be used to improve the blood circulation, so it has the meaning of the coming of happiness and the going of bitterness; poppy is used to extract opium and it contains the meaning of sleeping, solace, and temptation。 

















