Fourthly, it originates from myths and legends。 People often have romantic guess about the origin and function of some flowers, so some myths and legends has formed, and these myths and legends not only add the legend of the flower, but also correspondingly enrich the connotation of the flower language。 Tulip’s symbol of the girl is from the legend of the Netherlands: a girl becomes a tulip in order not to hurt the three suitors; the story that peach can avoid evil spirits originates from China’s mythology set “the Classic of Mountains and Rivers”。

3。3The characteristics of flower language

Flower language has many characteristics。 It is such characteristics that let people find the fun of flower language。

Firstly, it’s rich and persified。 The content of the flower language is very rich, and the expression is various。 For example, violet flower represents the simplicity and virtue, the language of lily of the valley is being lost and happy, the language of thousands of red flowers is eternal love。 

Secondly, it’s extensive and specific。 The carrier of flower language is very rich。 It not only includes beautiful flowers, but also includes leaves, fruit and woodland。 For instance, olive is on behalf of peace, and oak has the meaning of bravery and eternity。

Thirdly, it’s universe and different。 As a cultural phenomenon, flower culture is widespread and many countries like Britain, Russia and China has had their own flower language system; however, due to different cultural habits, religious background and the influence of customs, people have different understanding of the same kind of flowers。 For example, peony's flower language in China is wealth and auspiciousness, while in France it is cautiousness and shyness。

Fourthly, it’s ambiguous and synonymous。 People’s understanding of the flowers can start from many angles, and the application of flowers can also be carried out by a variety of meaning, so one flower will contain several meanings and various flowers can have the same meaning。 文献综述

Fifthly, flower language is not static, in the history of the development process, with people's different understanding of the aesthetic improvement and change, the flower language has constantly changed。

4。 The Comparative Analysis of Flower Language

A large amount of flower language catches more and more attention in daily life both in China and the west, and it is important to find something regular to deepen people’s comprehension about flower language。 The following parts are about the similarities and differences of flower language between the west and China。

4。1Similarities of flower language between China and the West

Although Chinese and western people live in different natural environment, and have different cultural basis, they are similar in thinking model, emotional reaction and cognitive mode when they interact with nature and society, therefore, some flower language they give to flowers are similar。 Then, the similar flower language will be analyzed one by one。

















