2。 Literature Review论文网

Hemingway is one of most famous writers in America and also is a master of literature in the world。 His novels are based on its simple words and real background and mixed with some deep philosophical views。 There are many articles wrote about Hemingway and his master pieces。 When someone talks about Hemingway, I naturally think about his code heroes in my mind。 In many people’s heart, his code hero is a legend and always gives people strength and courage to face the hard life。 But there always has a topic about his code hero。 Some people say these characters are produced from one model and filled with Hemingway’s fantasy。 On the country, some people say these code heroes have a process from birth to mature and also come from Hemingway’s life experience。 So this topic is valuable。 In my opinion, Hemingway’s code heroes are not adult and perfect at the beginning and they have the process of growing。 Hemingway wrote many novels, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Old Man and the Sea and etc, these novels created the code hero from different times and background。 To discuss these code heroes, to show the real Hemingway and the spirit are the code of this thesis。

3。 The Development of the Image of the Code Hero

At the beginning, Hemingway’s code heroes are not adult and perfect, have the process of growing。 From early Nick in Indian Camp, to Jack Barnes in The Sun Also Rises, Frederic Henry in A Farewell to Arms, Roberto Jordan in For Whom the Bell Tolls, at the end, an old fisherman, Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea。 With the writer’s thought changing, the image of the code hero is finally complete。

3。1 Jack Barnes in The Sun Also Rises

In The Sun Also Rises, Jack Barnes is a dauntless man who has his own codes。 He is a disabled man because of the cruel war。 He loves a girl called Brett。 In his heart, he really loves her。 But he cannot make love with her。 So he works so hard and travels to Spanish with her girl friend。 He goes to fish with Bill and hopes the nature can purify his soul。 At the end, he finally sees the sun rises from his heart。 He has full confidence and brave to face his life。 

Jack can hold his codes in complex society and always keeps his personality between disordered social values and personal misfortune。 He becomes a good example of young people, becomes a dauntless man which has his own codes。 This spirit which Hemingway likes, when facing difficult, never low his head, use strong will to defeat them。 But in fact Jack just lives in his world and not strongly strike back。 So he is not an adult code hero, just a rudiment of code hero。 

3。2 Frederic Henry in A Farewell to Arms文献综述

In A Farewell to Arms, American lieutenant Frederic Henry is stronger than Jack。 The image of code hero is more complete。 The novel is set in Italy war battlefield of World War I, by telling Henry and Catherine’s love, reflect the war torture people step by step, eventually destroyed love。 At the beginning, Henry thinks war can bring peace, then he begins to hesitate, finally he knows the true fact of the war and hates the war。 Henry is also from a hot blooded youth becomes empty, disappointment, pain, confusion of the typical, but Henry is still a code hero。 He suffers wounds in the bunker, and fortunately he is not dead。 He struggles in the Tagliamento to escape the war。 At the end his wife passes away。

 For Henry, “I had got them out and shut the door and turned off the light it wasn’t any good。 It was like saying good –by to a statue。 After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain。” (Hemingway 363)Henry use the dauntless man’s way to face the misfortune and sadness。 Compare with Jack, he uses his action to against his destiny, though it is still negative, he bravely takes an important step。 By writing this novel, Hemingway’s thought become more profound and it shows the cruelty of the war。 Henry is stand for the human in that society, he shows the hate to the war。

















