Abstract With the deepening of economic globalization and international cooperation, cross-cultural business communication is becoming more and more important。 However, business people from different cultures have their own perspectives of face, degrees of concern with face and ways of dealing with face issues, which often lead to difficulties and misunderstandings and even barriers in the process of communication。 This thesis adopts case study method to investigate the influences of face considerations on cross-cultural business communication from the perspective of Face Negotiation Theory and proposes applicable strategies for business people。94822

Keywords: cross-cultural business communication; face-negotiation theory;    inpidualism and collectivism


毕业论文关键词:跨文化商务沟通; 面子协商理论; 个人主义和集体主义


1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Background of the study 1

1。2 Signification of the study 1

1。3 Overview of the thesis 2

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 Theories related to face 2

2。2 Theories related to cross-cultural business communication 6

3。 Research method 7

3。1 Case studies 7

3。2 Summary 10

4。 General impact of face on cross-cultural business communication 11

4。1 Impact of face on communication mode 11

4。2 Impact of face on communication styles 11

5。 Strategies to effective cross-cultural business communication 12

5。1 Politeness strategies 12

5。2 Cultural identity strategies 13

Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction 

1。1 Background of the study 源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

 With the rapid development of China’s economy and its entry into WTO, trade contacts and economic cooperation between China and America have been increasing at an alarming rate, which boost the economic development of the two countries and deeply influence the world economy。 Cross-cultural business communication, as an indispensable activity of promoting economic exchanges and cooperation, has been raised to a more and more important position。 

Each country has its own unique cultures and China and the United States are no exception。 Face perception is one of the main aspects of each nation’s unique cultures。 China and America's different face considerations and degree of attention and ways of dealing with face are quite different, which often bring about difficulties and even misunderstandings for Sino-America business communication and lead to barriers in the process of communication。 So how to promote effective communication has become a serious problem for business people coming from different countries。 Although many scholars home and abroad have done some research on how to conduct effective cross-cultural business communication, few have studied the influence of face considerations on cross-cultural business communication。 This thesis tries to investigate the influence of face on cross-cultural business communication between China and the United States from the perspective of face negotiation theory, especially face considerations dominated by inpidualistic and collectivistic cultures, and tries to propose some applicable strategies for business people from different cultures to conduct effective and successful communication。

















