Abstract With the development of the society, English, as a global language,attracts more attention。 However, schools nowadays pay more attention to students’ academic achievements instead of their study interests。 This thesis introduces the definition, functions and significance from the point of practical teaching in middle school English classes。 At the same time, teachers should obey the principles of situational teaching method to apply it better。 This thesis also introduces some ways to create settings and gives specific examples。 Meanwhile, problems which remain to be further explored are also pointed out。94876

Keywords: situational teaching method; middle school English teaching; application; problems





1。 Introduction。。。1

2。 Literature Review。1

3。 Situational Teaching Method。。。3

3。1 Definition of situational teaching method3

3。2 Functions of situational teaching method。3

3。3 Significance of situational teaching method。5

4。 The Application of Situational Teaching Method in Middle School English Class。6

4。1 Principles of using situational teaching method。。7

4。2 Strategies to create settings and the application in classroom teaching。。。。。8

4。3 Problems to be further explored。。10

5。 Conclusion。12

1。 Introduction

Nowadays, English has already become a global language。 As a result, the importance of English teaching is gradually valued by the whole society in recent years。 More and more middle schools start to pay more attention to it。 Modern teaching theory points out that teaching is a process that includes communication between teachers and students, positive interaction and common development。 Middle school English plays an important role in students’ English learning。 So it can be said as a watershed。 It aims to make students master the basic knowledge of language and improve their ability of speaking and writing。 

While in China, most schools only keep a watchful eye on students' academic achievements, pay no attention to students' creativity, and neglect the nature of communication。 They often use an improper teaching method only to improve students’ grades。 In this situation, the English class is teacher-centered rather than student-centered。 源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

It is a common phenomenon that teachers in the classroom will focus on knowledge indoctrination and let students do more exercises to make them understand and take in the knowledge。 But it is bad to students’ future development。 Doing more exercises really helps students learn knowledge。 However, teaching purpose is to teach students how to learn instead of doing exercises。 So situational teaching method has a profound significance to teach students how to learn, and teach them to solve problems on their own。 They should put themselves into the problems, so that they can have better ways to solve problems。 It is really important。

The author explores how to use situational teaching method properly in middle school English classes。 Firstly, the definition, functions, significance of situational teaching method and relevant studies are reviewed。 Secondly, teachers should obey the principles of situational teaching method and know how to apply it into practice。 What’s more, the problems remained to be studied will be pointed out。

















