This essay is pided into four parts to analyze the differences between Chinese and Western culture from the view of love and marriage。 The first part is the Introduction which gives a brief presentation about each chapter。 The second part is different attitudes toward love and marriage between Chinese and Western countries, this chapter consists of four parts, the first part is the differences of standards of choosing spouse, the second part is the different ways of the expressions, the third part is the differences of marriage bonds, and the last part is the different views on porce。 The next part of this essay is reasons for discrepancies between the views of love and marriage in the Chinese and Western countries, and in this chapter, the author gives several reasons in the light of national culture, status of women and personality。 Then by the comparative study of attitudes toward love and marriage between Chinese and Western countries, the author tries to analyze the differences between Chinese and Western cultures form the concept of love and marriage。 The last part of this essay is the conclusion。 

2。 Literature Review

Love, marriage is an important content in human life。 What’s more, it is incomparably beautiful side in human life and also has been the eternal exploring theme of literary works。 In the west, due to geographical, historical and cultural reason, the perspectives of marriage is not the same。 By studying the differences between Chinese and Western culture, scholars at home and abroad have already begun to focus on the living habits, social behaviors, language and other aspects。 As to the study of the cultural differences between love and marriage, only few scholars had learn the differences between the traditional Chinese and Western marriage, there is almost no scholars spreading the culture concept。 The current domestic study of marital status is also more about Chinese or Western general situation of the marriage within a particular country。 Domestically, scholars focus more on traditional marriage customs, porce, and study of the impact of Western marriage。 And Western study of marriage is mostly about the marriage of regional culture research, focusing on core family values and the pursuit of freedom and inpidual marriage。 Most of Chinese and Western marriages are limited to their own or local territory, there is no systematic introduction to the contrast between Chinese and Western marriage revealing cultural differences。 The essay is devoted to the comparative study of attitudes toward love and marriage between Chinese and Western countries, attempting to analyze the differences between Chinese and Western cultures from the concept of love and marriage。 

3。 Differences in Love and Marriage between Chinese and Western Cultures 

China and the West have different cultural heritage, which affects all aspects of society。 The view of love and marriage is also part of the culture。 The concept of Chinese and Western love and marriage is quietly difference。 Marriage is the foundation of mankind’s survival, it not only enables mankind to flourish, but also enriches the emotional world of human life。 The main differences and the different manifestations of the perspectives of love and marriage in the West and Chinese are discussed in several aspects as following。

3。1 The different standards of choosing spouse论文网

China has been complied with Confucianism and Taoism since ancient times。 A successful marriage requires that the couples should come from families of equal status。 What’s more, there is no any free love in traditional Chinese marriage, which means that the couples cannot have freedom to choose their spouse。 Because of the constraint of feudalism traditional thinking of the old Chinese society, the standards of choosing spouse is always be decided by their parents。 On the other hand, the pursuit of beauty in Chinese men can simply be described by “assiduous”。 Historically, there are few heroes getting out successfully in the beauty of face, many men have suffered misfortune at the expense of pouring kingdom。 In the modern society, there are a number of Chinese men inherited the “legacy” of the ancestors。 Chinese men attach importance to their other spouse’s face, and it has a direct relationship with the Chinese people’s face-saving。 When he proudly brought the beautiful woman to the public, his vanity would be satisfied, in fact, it is also a demonstration of his competitive ability to survive, as he showed off his Mercedes-Benz or garden villa。 

















