
    1) 就目标需求而言,商务英语专业在校学生倾向于在未来选择从事与商务活动相关的职业。
    2) 就学习需求而言,商务英语专业在校学生更注重于商务实践操作技能的培养。
    3) 师范大学现行的商务英语专业课程设置不能完全满足上述两种需求,多数学生欠缺专业商务知识技能以及听说能力的训练,需据此进行改进。
    1) 将教学目标向培养既精通英语知识技能又谙熟商务知识技能的商务英语专业复合型人才调整;
    2) 通过增进与商学院和法律政治学院的交流合作,进一步提高商务知识的教学水平,以加强商务英语专业师资队伍的建设;
    3) 增加听说技能课的课时,并在日常教学中加大听说训练的比重;
    4) 加强对常在英语环境中使用的商务操作技能的训练和实践;
    5) 鉴于学生对于商务专业知识的需求较大,相关比重应得到提高,同时作者建议若条件允许,可在未来教学中增设电子商务相关课程;
    6) 建议在专业选修课中增设国际商务交际和中西方商务文化比较两门课程。学生可在教师指导下自修人文素养相关课程。
    关键词:商务英语     需求分析     目标需求     学习需求
    Abstract    i
    摘  要    iii
    Contents    iv
    Chapter 1 Introduction    1
    1.1 Literature Review    1
    1.2 Thesis Structure    4
    Chapter 2 Methodology    5
    2.1 Research questions    5
    2.2 Subjects    5
    2.3 Instrument    5
    2.4 Data collection and analysis    6
    Chapter 3 Results and Discussions    8
    3.1. Analysis on the target needs of students    8
    3.2. Analysis on the learning needs of students    9
    3.3. Analysis on the students’ evaluation of the curriculum design    11
    Chapter 4. Conclusion    14
    4.1 The results of the research    14
    4.2 Suggestions for Business English major’s teaching    14
    4.3 Limitations of the current research    15
    References    17
    Appendix    18
    Analysis on the Needs of Pre-experience Business English Major Students
     --With Special Reference to Normal University

    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Students choose the major of business English for different reasons and goals. In order to understand the true needs of the students who major in business English and set targets or improve the use of teaching material, making an analysis of the needs of the students majoring in business English is important and necessary. However, the researches on the needs of students learning business English are comparatively rare. Therefore, this thesis will analyze the needs of the pre-experience Business English major students so as to understand their true needs and give suggestions for Business English major’s teaching.
    1.1 Literature Review
    Domestic and foreign needs analysis of foreign language learning is generally based on the four modes, namely, John Munby’s Communicative Need Processor (CNP) model, Richterich & Chaneere’s Present Situation Analysis (PSA) model, Hutchinson & Waters’ model, and Dudley-Evans & St John’s model. The needs analysis made in China mainly builds on Hutchinson & Water’s model and Dudley-Evans & St John’s model. Moreover, the domestic needs analysis of Business English major has increased in recent years, most of which focus on curriculum design, the needs of learners (major and non-major) or the needs of employers and the society:
  1. 上一篇:B2C电子商务环境下的大学生消费者行为研究
  2. 下一篇:基于5T模型的SPDC案例微博营销分析
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