
    The first part is introduction. The traditional teaching method is the teacher speaking on the platform and the student listening on the desk, which can’t catch up with the social development. We need a new way of classroom activity, and makes students learn oral English in joy.
    The second part is present situation of oral English teaching in junior middle school. Students’ spoken English is very terrible, and they can just pass the text in paper but not talk. The reason is very simple, if you want to pass the examination of junior high school, the only thing you need is writing, not speaking. There are too much focus on examination oriented education, the teachers’ spoken English need improve, and the students need breaking the traditional thinking.
    The third part is the conception and value of classroom activity. It can enhance students’ interest in spoken English, and cultivate students' ability of using the language, improve the students' ability of communication, and cultivate students' innovation ability.
    The forth part is the strategies of improving spoken English. The strategies are very various. For example, we can do the program show, number game and tell story for competition.
    The fifth part is the conclusion of this thesis. The active classroom games can make the students do a positive performance, and they can learn English in happiness. One of the characteristics of the game is that the students will be more focused on the game in the teaching classroom activities for personal or team’s victories. Students are keen in the game, and they will try their best to win the game. Story telling competition is a new way of learning, which students like very much. They need to collect data for telling stories, which can help them understand a lot of the philosophic theories, and they can improve spoken English by telling the stories.
  1. 上一篇:研究生入学考试中长难句的翻译策略
  2. 下一篇:试论任务型教学法在初中英语教学中存在的问题及对策
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