    Abstract Edgar Allan Poe in his transient and woeful lifetime, examines thoroughly the survival plight and the crisis of development of human being in 19th century by his wisdom, forethought and scientific rigor, and creates a number of fictions full of modern meaning with his unique writing style. Poe is regarded as the ancestor of modernisms and the founder of the modern literature. The Man of the Crowd, one of Poe’s fictions full of modern meaning, is a short story tinged with Poe’s biography, in which Poe truly elaborates and represents different kinds of people who shuttling back and forth the streets of London. Poe’s description not only represents the modern people’s barren spirit and emotional loneliness which owing to the human nature being distorted and alienated by the modern industrial civilization, but also embodies Poe’s profound anxiety and infinite care for the survival plight and the crisis development of human being. The protagonist in The Man of the Crowd is a nameless solitary old man, he chasing the crowd day and night, and pushing about frequently in the crowd, merely for the sake of avoiding loneliness and perting himself from emptiness. In a sense, the old man’s queer behavior not only reveals the predicament of Edgar Allan Poe as the artist in the process of industrialization, modernization and urbanization, but also discloses Poe’s indescribable loneliness, helpless and anguish.
    Key Words: Edgar Allan Poe, The Man of the Crowd, loneliness and emptiness, industrialization and modernization
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 The Brief Introduction of Edgar Allan Poe    2
    1.2 The Classification of Poe’s Works    4
    1.3 The Plot Summary of The Man of the Crowd    4

    2 Edgar Allan Poe and His Art of Doubling    6
    2.1 The Seeing and Reading in The Man of the Crowd    7
    2.2 Poe’s Predicament As The Artist    8
    2.3 The Man of the Crowd and the Man outside the Crowd    10

    3 The Loneliness and the Mystery of Deep Crime    11
    3.1 The Specimen of Man and the Inpiduality    11
    3.2 The Flaneur Character in The Man of the Crowd    12
    3.3 The Mystery of Deep Crime in the Old Man    13
    4 Conclusion    16
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