
    All of these miserable experiences had contributed to the forming of his personality and creation of his later works. From 1830 onward Poe was editor of a number of periodicals and he wrote critical articles, short stories and poems, which brought him increasing reputation in literary circles. Poe’s first collection, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, appeared in 1840. It contained one of his most famous works, The Fall of the House of Usher. During the early 1840s Poe’s best-selling work was The Conchologist’s First Book (1839). The dark poem of lost love, The Raven, brought Poe national fame, when it appeared in 1843. The Murders in the Rue Morgue and The Purloined Letter are among Poe’s famous detective stories. Poe was also one of the most prolific literary journalists in American history.
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