    英语论文从跨文化因素的角度分析商标英语翻译的有效性Acknowledgments The completion of this thesis gives me a chance to extend my warm heart thanks to those people whose help really means a great deal to me during these days.
    My thanks first go to my supervisor Associate Professor Zhang Xiaoli, who has offered instructive guidance and suggestions to the writing of my thesis. But for her meticulous proof reading and revision, my thesis wouldn't be like what it is now.
    My thanks then go to the professors who have taught me in the past three years. Without their profound knowledge in their own fields or their conscientious instruction, the writing of the thesis would be much tougher.
    Due to the rapid development in global economy, international trade has played an important role in promoting the world economy. Trademarks, likened by some to the fingerprints of commerce, are of supreme importance to those corporations which wish to enhance the accessibility of their products to a broader market. As trademarks have certain cultural connotations which can be endowed by the producer or can derive from the customers associations, successful translation of trademarks is of great value to influence the customers attitudes to a particular goods and its consumption.
    Trademark translation is a cross-cultural communication, which involves the study of languages, consumers’ appreciation and habits. Since every country holds its own distinctive features in politics, economy, religion and customs, the translation of trademarks should consider the cultural elements instead of the traditional translation method. This paper explores the trademark translation from the perspectives of cross-culture. Hans J. Vermerr’s Skopos theory is adopted as the theoretical stone to guide trademark translation. Based on the Skopos theory, the researcher puts forward cultural adaptation strategy in the process of trademark translation.
    Key Words: cross-cultural, trademark translation, Skopos theory, cultural adaptation
    商标翻译是一种跨文化交际的研究,它涉及到语言的研究, 消费者的喜好和习惯。因为每个国家在政治,经济,宗教,风俗上都拥有自己的独特的特性,所以商标的翻译应在传统翻译方法中考虑文化因素。文中商标的翻译从跨文化的角度来进行研究,Hans J. Vermeer的目的论被采用为本论文的主要理论基石来引导商标的翻译。在此理论的基础上,研究者也提出了商标翻译中应采用文化适应法能够达到更有效的效果。5977
    1 Introduction ..    .1

    2 Overview of Trademarks2
    2.1 Definition of Trademarks.2
    2.2 Features of Trademarks .2
    2.2.1 Differential Feature2
    2.2.2 Cultural Feature3
    2.2.3 Legitimate Feature.3
    2.3 Importance of Trademarks4

    3. Significance of Cultural Elements in Trademark Translation.5
    3.1 Cultural Differences in Trademark Translation5
    3.1.1 Different Consumer Psychology5
    3.1.2 Different Customs and Habits.6
    3.1.3 Different Religion Belief.7
    3.2 Cultural Adaptation in Trademark Translation8
    3.2.1 Significance of Skopos Theory to Trademark Translation8
    3.2.2 Skopos Theory9
    3.2.3 Cultural Adaptation in Trademark Translation10
    3.3 Skills Applied to Trademark Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Adaptation.12
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