
    2.2.1 Differential Feature
    Differential feature is the most substantial one of the features of trademark names is the differential feature. Trademarks are to commodities what names are to persons. With fierce competition, the contrasts between the maturity of market and the commodities that are identical in fabric, function and design but produced by different manufacturers are narrower. According to Assael, “advanced science and technology make many products standardized, which means there is no unique product claim. More product alternatives make it harder for anyone product to be noticed” (1990:477). In such a case, trademarks are expected to create dissimilarities among commodities. This way, it is more convenient for consumers to select goods by differentiating dissimilar brands. In order for designers to turn the first feature into reality, trademark names should be brief. For example, many well-known trademark names have two to three words or syllables, such as Benz, Chanel, Apple in the west, and 海尔,联想, 蒙牛 in China. Short names are easy to read and remember among these similar products when in the process of translation.
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