
    5.2 Advice for Administrators.32
    5.3 Study Limitations.33
    5.4 Future Research Directions33
    1The Impact of Green Marketing on Brand Identity----Taking thePerfect as an ExampleChapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the studySince 1990s, a wave of green with the theme of environmental protection hasbeing gathering. Lots of consumers more possibly agree with these companies whichhave responsibilities to the development of human beings and follow green trend atthe aspects of business philosophy, technical innovation, production control and etc..21stcentury is a “green century”, and under this situation, how to accept greenchallenge, to survive, and to develop have become a practical subject faced by manydomestic companies.“Marketers have responded to Americans’ increasing concern for theenvironment with an approach called green marketing. Green marketing generallyinvolves: (1) developing products whose production, use, or disposal is less harmfulto the environment than the traditional versions of the product; (2) developingproducts that have a positive impact on the environment; or (3) trying the purchase ofa product to an environmental organization or event” (Hawkins, et al., 2004).Green marketing is the result of sustainable development. Recent years,sustainable development has become a common view all over the world, so carryingout positive green marketing strategy and building unique green brand image can helpenterprise form core-competitiveness. Both of them are beneficial to claim the highground in the heavy competition. Brand is a spirit of the enterprise, and identity determines its success or failure,both of which are related to company’s survival and profit. Company operates internalbranding, including brand identity, which can influence employee, consumer andinvestor (Punjaisri & Wilson, 2007). Enterprise can meet more and more people’sgreen demands by strategies of green marketing. It may improve consumers’ sense ofidentity to brand, and give another chance to sustainable development. Therefore, theauthor chooses the relation between green marketing and consumers’ brand identity asa main research direction
    .1.2 Objective and range of the studyThis research will take PERFECT (China) Co.LTD as a case. By literature review,questionnaires and other research methods, this paper studies green marketing of thePerfect and brand identity, in the form of a questionnaire, which would be distributedto consumers and analyses the data collected. About consumers of the Perfect, inaddition to ordinary consumers, lots of agents are included, and they are the users too.Besides, these people have a certain understanding of green marketing; therefore, theycan be investigated as consumers. Research of green marketing is a very close subjectwhich needs combinations with practical activities, in addition, a variety of researchmethods included too. Only if, the author can understand comprehensively andthoroughly the role and propagation of green marketing in enterprises’ activities, andexactly find success and shortcoming of green marketing communications.
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