
    Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution, which is a book written by Berlin and Kay, suggests that the expression of “basic color terms” does not have a unique operational definition. However Berlin and Kay identified eleven basic color categories: white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange, and gray in their Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution. It is considered a basic color category, the term for the color in each language had to meet certain criteria:

    (1). It is monomorphemic.

    (2). It is monolexemic.

    (3). Its signification is not included in that of any other color term.

    (4). Its application must not be restricted to a narrow class of objects. 

    (5). It must be psychologically salient for informants. 

     These basic criteria were put forward to determine whether a color word is basic or not. In Berlin and Kay’s opinion, the basic color terms in all languages are drawn from a universal inventory of just 11 color categories. They examined a sample of 98 languages, and found that there was very wide variation in the actual ranges of color denoted by each color term in different languages (Berlin and Kay 4). It tells us we should find out the basic color words and do research on these color words. It is important for us to know about the differences between basic color terms in Chinese and English culture.

    III. Causes for Dissimilarities of Cultural Connotations of English and Chinese Basic Color Words

    3.1 Contrast of Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms between English and Chinese

    The color of night is black. In ancient China, “黑” represents people’s integrity, solemnity, and selflessness, especially in the traditional Peking Opera. “Black” is also the symbol of the evilness in the western culture. In Chinese traditional culture, the “white” is a derogatory term, which symbolizes the “poor and humble”. While in west, “white” is the symbol of elegance, noble, and happiness etc. As everyone knows the color of the fire and blood is the red, interpreting as “like the color of blood” in the dictionary, which is the oldest color, and also the first named colors. In China, “红” is a symbol of auspiciousness and joy. In the western countries, “red” is usually related to the danger, war, blood and insecurity. In ancient China, Chinese people treat the Yellow River as the birthplace of the Chinese civilization, and also is the “mother river” of China. The Chinese people lived in the Yellow River Basin for thousands of years, and they have the yellow skin, drink water of the Yellow River together, and jointly cultivate the yellow land, so the Chinese people especially love “黄”, and then “黄” is gradually become the powerful color, which represents imperial dignity, solemn, and supreme. While in west, these cultural meanings are from the religious legends, according to “Bible”, Judas who always is dressed in yellow, betrayed Jesus. So “yellow” represents betrayal, envy, abjection, and timidity. In China, “绿” is the symbol of wood, which is the color of plants. So it has the meaning of life and also symbolizes the boundless vigor and vitality, such as “绿洲、绿地、绿荫” etc. In Britain as well as in the United States, “green” represents life and vitality, which is one of the favorite colors. When we talk about the color of green, maybe we will think of the freshness and health, just because of this, “green” means growth, which always means youth and new things. When speaking of “蓝”, everyone will say it is the color of sky and sea, which makes people feel the blue calm surface of ocean, and it also feels calm in their life. The western culture is different from the traditional Chinese culture, “blue” represents dignity and noble. Both English and Chinese people who have high social status select purple as the color of the dress. In China, “紫” represents the nobleness, for example “紫禁城”. “Purple” in western countries symbolizes the royal family, and also they love wearing the purple clothes.

  1. 上一篇:汉语文化负载词的英译策略
  2. 下一篇:《简﹒爱》的叙事学解读
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