
    2.2 The Definition of the Politeness Principle
    Leech pides the politeness principle into six maxims, each of which has two sub-maxims as follows:
    (Ⅰ)Tact Maxim (in impositives and commissives)
    (a)Minimize cost to other
    (b)Maximize benefit to other
    (Ⅱ)Generosity Maxim (in impositives and commissives)
    (a)Minimize benefit to self
    (b)Maximize cost to self
    (Ⅲ)Approbation Maxim (in expressives and assertives)
    (a)Minimize dispraise of other
    (b)Maximize praise of other
    (Ⅳ)Modesty Maxim (in expressives and assertives)
    (a)Minimize praise of self
    (b)Maximize dispraise of self
    (Ⅴ)Agreement Maxim (in assertives)
    (a)Minimize disagreement between self and other
    (b)Maximize agreement between self and other
    (Ⅵ)Sympathy Maxim (in assertives)
    (a)Minimize antipathy between self and other
    (b)Maximize sympathy between self and other
    (Leech, 1983: 132)
    Leech’s theory explains that sometimes people deliberately violate the cooperative principle for the sake of politeness, which is largely made up for the deficiencies of the cooperative principle. It can be said that the politeness principle with a higher level of regulation can not only maintain the equal status of the two sides in the conversation, but also promote the friendly relations between them.    
    Gu Yueguo sums up five politeness maxims related to Chinese linguistic culture:
    (Ⅰ)Self Denigration Maxim
    Chinese courtesy is characterized by "self-deprecating" and "modesty". When it comes to one himself or his own things, he should be self-deprecating and modest; when it comes to the listener or his things , the speaker should "praise" and "respect".
    (Ⅱ)Address Maxim
    To some extent, modern polite behaviour still takes into account the status in the society and the seniority in the family. The salutation represents a kind of relations between people. And the change in the salutation means the change in the relationship.
    (Ⅲ)Refinement Maxim
    Refinement Maxim means the use of elegant words instead of the bestial ones. Euphemism should be used when it comes to death, sex, excretion, figure, appearance, relatively lower occupation, crimes and so on, or it would be rude.
    (Ⅳ)Morals, Speech, Behavior Maxim
    From the aspect of acting motive, minimize other’s cost to, maximize benefit to other. At the same time, from the aspect of words, maximize other’s benefit to self, minimize cost of self.
    (Ⅴ)Agreement Maxim
    Agreement Maxim means both sides of the communication strive to harmony in many aspects, and try to meet each other’s desire. When one has to criticize others or express different opinions, he is supposed to try fair means before resorting to force and praise before criticize.
    Generally speaking, a lot of scholars have put forward their politeness principles, but there is still possibility for us to explore the difference between the Chinese and western theories.  
    3. The Embodiments of the Politeness Principle in the Intercultural Communication
    In a sense, politeness can be defined as polite linguistic behavior. Language is the carrier of a specific culture. This part will start to describe the embodiments of the politeness principle in daily life.
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