
    3.1 The most frequently used translation strategies in WIR 2015 8

    3.1.1 Literal translation 8

    3.1.2 Conversion 9

    3.1.3 Amplification (Nouns) 11

    3.1.4 Omission 12

    3.2 The less frequently used translation strategies in WIR 2015 14

    3.2.1 Division 14

    3.2.2 Conversion (Adverbs) 14

    3.2.3 Amplification (Adjectives) 14

    4. Conclusion 16

    5. References 17

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background

    One of the features of modern English is the wide use of abstract nouns in all kinds of writing, especially in formal styles. The degree of abstraction represents the degree of formality of the language. Abstract nouns are characterized by simplicity in form but generalization and vagueness in meaning. According to Jespersen, abstract nouns can be mainly classified into 4 categories, namely abstract nouns of actions, abstract nouns of quality, abstract nouns of status, and inherent abstract nouns.

    In English -Chinese translation the English abstract nouns should be flexibly dealt with, otherwise there may appear improper Chinese if translated word for word. Previous studies have come up with several strategies for word translation, like amplification, conversion and persion.

    UNCTAD’s annual World Investment Report (WIR), one of the organization’s most cited and acknowledged products, exemplifies the implementation of its investment mandate. The content of WIR has high technicality and authority and it’s valued by many countries. Being both an official document and financial report, it applies a lot of abstract nouns to reach its high degree of formality and efficiency. Therefore, its translation requires high accuracy and fluency.

    1.2 Purpose and Significance of Study

    According to the functionalist text typology theory, there is no single absolute translation strategy, which can guide all translation activities. The functional equivalence theory indicates that the translation should be equivalent in forms and realize verbal and formal consistency.

    WIR, being both official and financial reports, belongs to informative text, which requires high accuracy and formality. Thus, translation strategies for abstract nouns in WIR should not simply adopt generalized methods but have to make some adaptions. This paper will make a research into the translation strategies in WIR and find out the most frequently used methods and the least frequently used methods and look into the reasons. It is instructive for abstract noun translation in informative texts.

     2. Literature Review

    2.1 Abstract nouns

    Nouns are particularly important in constructing meaning and our mental structure. Moreover, in modern times, the degree of abstraction in language is enhanced, which is illustrated largely by the wide use of abstract nouns. Abstract nouns are simple but efficient. Thus they are widely used in formal styles, like official documents and financial reports.

    2.1.1 Definitions of abstract nouns

    It’s difficult to define abstract nouns, and to set a definite, and clear-cut boundary between concrete nouns and abstract nouns. Many scholars view abstract nouns from different aspects and describe them for different purposes.

    Traditionally, people distinguish abstract nouns from concrete nouns according to their meanings. R. Quirk claims that abstract nouns are “typically nonobservable and nonmeasurable”. For example, concrete nouns like pig, are accessible to the senses, observable and measurable, while abstract nouns like difficulty, are not. Jespersen, the Danish grammarian, regards abstract nouns as thought names any that can include the features of other entities, and holds that abstract nouns are not entity categories, but imply an event.

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