
    Basing on R. Quirk’s and Jespersen’s definition, this paper will deal with abstract nouns by semantic pision. 

    2.1.2 Classifications of abstract nouns

    Abstract nouns can be mainly classified into,源Z自+优尔=文)论(文]网[www.youerw.com 4 categories according to Jespersen.

    1. Abstract nouns of actions:

    They are also called verbal nexus-word for they are derived or transformed from verbs. Most of them are constructed by verb and verb suffixes. For example:

    -tion: realization, examination, contribution, organization

    -sion: decision, expression, omission

    -ment: advertisement, development, achievement

    -ence: emergence, dependence, existence

    -ance: entrance, hindrance, resistance

    -ure: pressure, exposure, closure

    -ism: criticism, alcoholism, fatalism

    -al: arrival, removal, denial, withdrawal

    -ge: knowledge, breakage

    -ing: understanding, developing, coloring

    In addition, some words are transformed directly but not change their original forms, such as dream, 

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