
    Abstract Communication in classroom is a vital means for teachers to understand students’ mastery degree of knowledge, their ideals and their views. Students’ apprehension of classroom communication influences their performance in following class. Chinese face is always regarded as part of our national character and it is a particular feature. A lot of scholars try to explain and analyze it when they first realize the existence of Chinese face. Zhai Xuewei points out that face is still vital for Chinese and has great influence on our current life. So this thesis explores students’ apprehension in two kinds of class from the perspectives of face theories. Both the thesis and design of questionnaire are based on Goffman’s theories about face as well as Hu Sien-chin’s and Zhai Xuewei’s lists of behaviors about losing face and conditions with face needs. The subjects are English major students in Hangzhou Normal University. And the researcher uses SPSS 17.0 as a tool to analyze valid questionnaire papers. The results show that college students do have negative experiences with actions about losing face in classroom communication, and they also feel worried about their behaviors may make other people losing face.51911

    Keyword: apprehension of classroom communication; face theories; college students; case study


    摘要课堂交流是教师了解学生对讲授内容理解程度、学生的观点想法的重要方式,而学生对课堂交流的体验会影响其交流意愿和后续表现。中国人的脸面观自被提出一来,一度被作为一种国民性被研究。而翟学伟指出脸面相关心理对行为的影响在当代日常生活中仍然存在,而且影响较大,因此本论文从“脸面”角度探究学生对课堂交流的体验。主要探究有无他人在场和有他人在场两种课堂,并根据高夫曼、胡先晋、翟学伟三位学者对于脸面观的解释、对出现脸面需求情况的列举、对脸面得失相关行为的列举设计问卷,向杭州师范大学外国语学院英语专业的学生发放。收集答卷后用SPSS 17.0对有效问卷进行分析。数据分析显示大部分样本人群在课堂交流过程中有过丢面子的体验,而且对此感到尴尬。他们也经历过对他人面子得失的担忧。另外,对于脸面得失的关注有抑制交流的倾向,不过由于缺少相关变量控制,此结论的可靠度需要进一步探究。

    毕业论文关键词: 课堂交流体验; 脸面理论; 大学生; 案例调查


    1. Introduction 1

        1.1 Background 1

        1.2 Organization of the Thesis 1

    2. Literature Review 2

        2.1 Brief Definition of Classroom Communication 2

        2.2 Theories about Face 2

        2.2.1 Goffman's theory of face 2

        2.2.2 Chinese Concepts of Face 3

    3. Methodology 5

        3.1 Subjects 5

        3.2 Instruments 5

        3.3 Procedure 6

    4. Data Presentation and Discussion----College Students’ Apprehension of Classroom Communication

      Influenced by the Concept of Face 7

        4.1 Without an Outsider 8

        4.1.1 Students’ Apprehension of Teacher-a Student Communication

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