
     2.2 Theories about Face

        2.2.1 Goffman's theory of face

        There is strong characteristic of sociality of Goffinan’s definition of face, since he believed face is a product of social interaction. He clarifies the essence of social interaction by a metaphor: social life is a drama in which everyone is a performer and an audience at the same time. One wants others have a certain impression on oneself, then he/she will behavior at a certain way to create such self image. There is mutual understanding about what kind of behavior breeds favorable impressions. Goffman (cited in Ann Branaman, 1997) studies face at the background of daily interaction. He concludes that face is “the positive social value a person effectively claims for himself by the line others assume he has taken during a particular contact”, the line refers to “a pattern of verbal and nonverbal acts by which he expresses his view of the situation and through this his evaluation of the participants, especially himself ” (Lemert, C. 1997: 33). 

        There are significant features of face according to Goffman. (1) Face is the positive social value a person 

    claims, such as good appearance, rightful action and others. (2) Face, as a product of social interaction, is displayed in "particular contact". People meets others from different circles, class, occasions and form different 

    relationships through social interaction. This difference of class, closeness and many other ways cause  protection, loss and giving face. (3) Face is actualized by others’ judgment. When people in the same social

    circle believes that certain actions do not have positive social value, a person can not have face through finishing such an action. It is true face is a demonstration of self image, but this demonstration is for other people to evaluation. And the evaluation is with the guidance of conventionalized values, laws and concerns. If a person is not concern himself with what the other people’s views about him, and he only cares what he feels right and satisfied, then he does not think face is important. Thus, to some extent, face is the social reflection of self image; This person himself thinks the same with others, which means he/she has to agree he/she can claims face that through these actions. And under most condition a person will be deeply influenced by the circumstance and form a mutual understanding with people around; (4) Face is sometimes a mutual and external projected image. A person can show respect to another while he/she actually feels the other inferior. As long as this person does not reveal the contempt, they can both enjoy face.

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