2. Literature Review

2.1A Brief Review of Feminism

This word feminism may come up with a great number of images for people. A lot of misunderstandings have surrounded feminism, but according to the dictionary, feminism is simply a movement for the political, social, and economic equality between men and women. In general, people say that the women's movement started in the 18th century; people began to believe that more and more women were treated unfairly. In the western women’s movement is derived and extremely in the reform movement in the 19th century. The organized movement can be traced back to the first women's rights conference at Seneca Falls, New York, 1848, early feminist movements are often named the first wave and feminism after approximately 1960s the second wave. Associated with women’s movement, feminism is not only a social theory but also political movement, which is mainly informed and motivated relay on the experiences of women. While they provide a critique of social relations generally, feminists pay attention to analyzing sex inequality and to advocate women’s rights, interests of women, and including other relative issues too, feminism theory. It is generally said to come into being in the 19th century as people increasingly adopted the insight that women are stressed in a male-centered patriarchal society. While many people have an agreement with the dictionary definition of feminism, few of them claim to be feminists for a lot of reasons. They are likely to feel that feminism is just for lesbians or women who dislike men. Actually, instead of hating men, most feminists believe that equality between the sexes will benefit men by unshackling them from traditional expectations. They welcome men into the queues of feminists. And although there has always been a strong possibility of lesbians and bisexuals in the women’s movement, most part of feminists is heterosexual. Many feminists declare that homophobia and ignorance are in the centre of people’s repulse to rank themselves for feminists, even if they have an agreement with the principle of feminism. In the past 30 years, and because of the movement of women, gender issues have close relationship with topic of discussion of language and over the in common stage, translation studies have developed as a portion of the more general turn toward cultural studies.文献综述

Since the 1970s and 1980s, so many literary translators have doubted the linguistic method, such as Holmes, Lefebvre, Bassinet and Venuti. They promoted translation studies and they think that it should manage as an uncommitted academic discipline. Postmodern theories come into our eyes; such as deconstructionism, feminism and post colonialism included in the field of translation studies. So after that feminist translation came about. The author of this paper, in this section, will try to make a review of feminist translation studies in the west and in china.

















