The “standard of English curriculum” clearly states that "to promote students' active participation, willingness to explore, diligence in practicing and to train students’ abilities to collect and process information, to acquaint new knowledge, to analyze and solve problems and to communicate and cooperate with each other", which contains the cultivation of both students’ interest and ability。 Therefore, the design of English teaching activities is required to meet the requirements of the “standard of English curriculum”, that is, managing to integrate every student into the classroom through effective interaction between teachers and students。 论文网

Classroom interaction is the activity that teachers and students participate in together, and they have to do face-to-face activities。 The interaction between teachers and students in classroom teaching refers to the exchange between teachers and students and the dynamic process that occurs in the classroom。 In essence, interaction and communication between teachers and students in classroom teaching should be based on equality, respect and tolerance。

However, in China, the interaction between teachers and students in middle school English class has not become a positive and bilateral activity。 There are some obvious problems in teacher-student interaction in English classroom teaching, among which the problems that run counter to the inclusive education concept are particularly prominent, mainly reflecting in exclusion, discrimination and classification。 

In this paper, literature research, empirical research, questionnaire survey and observational survey will be adopted as the main research methods to analyze the implementation of inclusive education in China and the current situation of teacher-student relationship in middle school English classes。 The author will conduct several researches in real-life middle school English classes, and analyze these results of researches to get some data。 These data will help the author find out the present status of middle school English classes。 And after the analysis of the data, the author will find out the existing problems of the interaction between teachers and students, the causes of these problems, and how does it relate to inclusive education。 Meanwhile, the author will put forward some solutions and suggestions, which will help build up effective teacher-student interaction in middle school English classroom in the light of inclusive education concept。

2。 Literature Review

Over the past decades, people have paid more attention to the improvement of teacher-student interaction and the implementation of inclusive education around the world。 They discuss the teacher-student interaction and inclusive education from different aspects。 This part is pided into three parts: foreign researches, domestic researches, summary。

2。1 Foreign researches

Foreign researchers considered teacher-student interaction as the path towards successful learning outcomes。 Waller (1932:224) examined teaching as an occupational role and school organization as a mechanism of social control, and also analyzed the phenomenon of classroom interaction。 He believed that teaching is the product of teacher-student interaction and the classroom interaction makes up the basic social structure of school。 American scholar Flanders (1970:58-70) studied the interactive teaching behavior, and the results of his research provide the analysis of teacher-student interaction with basic but very effective quantitative approaches。

In the aspect of language learning, and teacher-student interaction, the British linguist Littlewood (1984:180-184) described the relationship between interaction and language learning in classroom teaching, and pointed out that the classroom teaching with interactive communication activities can create a healthy environment for language learning, which is good for language acquisition。 If classroom communication is increasingly frequent, the language acquisition is more likely to be successful。

















